
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Holiday Day 6

Skiing was so fun! You guys should've came. We went to a ski and snowboard centre in Toronto called Earl Bales..somewhere at Sheppard and Bathurst. Pretty close eh? The hill was steeper than I imagined! Shit..The first time I skiied down..I fell..=*( in pain!
And then I sucked it up and went again..and didn't fall the 2nd time around.. It was accelerating like mad yo. WTF we're like in the local area and they have places like these =_=
I could only skii down straight..and I don't even know how to turn or stop properly
Skiied down straight ahead..don't even know what I was thinking.. I think I was skiing faster than others cause I don't know how to control it properly at first
Went to practice how to do some turns at the bunny hill for a few times..
and finally challenge the steep hill again..
AHAHAH so funny.. everytime I did a turn, I fall.. I don't know why.. everytime I turn, I accelerate forward really fast and even when I fall.. I'm still sliding forward so dangerous!
A few times I did the turn, I almost hit the brick wall at the side.. Ohya I did crash into a tihn tree tho..and some twigs.. = =! Epic fail..I was like screaming "Antonio..I don't know how to stop..ahhhh its going faster" ahhha,,,antonio was just behind me..i think he fell himself too XD..
omg we're so funny..we were like falling our way down..and the thing is..we want to do the turns!..we wanna be pro like everyone least i do XD..
gosh i see 8 years old little boys and girls ski and snowboard better than i do..SAD!
Ohya...I finally mastered how to turn properly and not fall..
I hope I can rmb it for next time :)
AHHH so tired right now..
when I got back I found a green bruise on my left leg~

Monday, December 28, 2009

Holiday Day 5

Matthew, Jinyi, Daniel and I went to Harbourfront skating today. I didn't fall at all..!! So I'm pretty impressed by myself =D I still don't know how to stop properly tho hmmn.. and we met this old grandpa who was trying to teach us some tricks ha.
Was starving so we returned our skate and trying to find some hotdog stands. While we were returning skates, Daniel bumped into David and his friends. Ugh..I don't want to see him =___=..
Daniel offered us to see them..but I totally didn't want to and we walked off to get some food..
We ended up gettign subway~ I wanted italian sausage tho..haven't had those in a while..
I ordered a footlong sub~ I still had space for some sweets :D
anyways Daniel needed to go back to the rink and give one of the girls who was with Him..a christmas present..
Great what if I crash into him =_=.. Matthew brought us hiding in the restaurant while Daniel find his girl..
Daniel couldn't find we went out..and Matthew finally found that girl and Daniel gave his present away. weird one of His friends..knew me..but I don't know her..and I was labelled as His ex =__= EW why can't it be the other way around.. PFF

Oya saw timmy and his friends skating there too!

We walked around for a bit and went home~~
Christmas lights are purty :D
Uhhh I jsut woke up from a 2.5h nap
Watching District 9 right is so gory :*(

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holiday Day 4

I was too occupied to write a blog entry yesterday. I had an awesome feast last night yet again. I watched several movies before I slept. I loved Madagascar Escape 2 Africa!!! :D
Slept at 3-4am and my dad woke me up around 7am = =~
He wanted to go to futureshop..
anyways I couldn't find the 2.1 computer speakers I was looking for..maybe I'll just order it online. shipping for it is so expensive hmn..
Went to Vaughn Mills Shopping mall for boxing day shopping~~..shopped for hourss..
I bought 2 faux leather jackets~~ pretty happy with my purchases.
was gonna buy a real one from danier..but i didn't find the design that i like =*(
I couldn't find the same love-at-first-sight anymore =(
anyways totally burnt out today~
I asked dad to make some taro tong sui was delish!!! :D
we had a seafood feast~~ yumyum

PS: im only 5% away from my goal ...of achieving 50% winning rate in minesweepers LOL

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Lonely, Lonely Christmas. Merry, Merry Christmas.

My mom told me to clean up my I did. Guess what I found?
Ugh someone went over my pile of stuff that I put away that are related to my exes.
Including love letters. Gosh. How embarrassing having someone else read it =___='
Anyways I was just reading over them. Sigh~ the good sweet old days~
Whatever they wrote to me..the promises they made..all seemed like a lie.
The stuff I dug out made me think a little.
Haiiiii..i hate cleaning ~!!!!

Holiday Day 2

Ahhhh..woke up so late today..around 230pm?
I was planning to clean up my room and do some exercise..
ahhaha and then i procrastinated..and watched some youtube..
next thing i knew it was 5pm!!!..
so i took a really quick shower...
left the house at 530..
saw qian and jennifer on my way to stc..
everyone waited for kx for almost an hr!
we ate at some restaurant at little italy.
i loved the food esp my creme bruleee <3
went to some martini lounge bar place..
ordered a tequila shot and a martini
went home

i am shocked jennifer has a bf! haha its cute tho =) congratz hun!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holiday Day 1

Nancy finally picked up her cheque~..since September..Last few times I forgot to bring it back toronto..or that I didn't even come back to toronto at all.. But anyways that is that. Haven't seen her in awhile. She just came back and picked it up..she seemed like she was in a rush..

Ohya, sidenote, I love my new nail polish colour <3 ORANGE

Today we hung out at matt's place. AHah it was pretty fun! :)
I suck at rockband...MMM totally beatLESS..
..that's cause I don't like to follow the rules..and I like to be catched in surpise ;) ( so funny XD..)
We made curry chicken with carrots and potato! It was a decet meal :D Jin's terriyaki chicken was awesome too..but i find Matt's peas too sweet ahha..the cooking process was sO funny tho!
I loved caroling~ that was fun too XDDD..Matt's internet is an epic fail =_=! haha maybe cause we were in the basement..hmnnn
oya he drove us home later~ apprently he drives okay :P !
daniel's letter to everyone was very sweet!
and that is all. I don't feel like blogging right now~
playing minesweeeepers~

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

I downloaded this awhile ago and I'd like to share with you guys. It's a really good read, pretty pessimistic tho LOL
It's like every conclusion is that the guy isn't into you.

This was also turned into a movie! If you guys haven't watched it should :P

Monday, December 21, 2009

曹格-數到五答應我~ I wanna be your lover, don't wanna be your friend~

That day I got locked out of my apartment..I messaged a lot of ppl..and also messaged him. Everyone seemed so caring and KX even spared her studying time to help me. But his reply was "Sorry gotta study soon. ttyl". That killed me a little inside.

After talking on the phone with my friend the other night, she was right. If he doesn't care for me, why should I care for him? I'm really sick and tired of waiting because I was waiting all along.. Even though I "moved out of that phase", I still didn't completely let go. I always wondered about what could have happened and, what might happen, and what will happen.

我毀滅愛情 就算不甘心
只能欺騙自己 最後還是省省力氣
我們之間 朋友而已

It really sucks to wait for someone who you know won't like you back the same way you like him. I don't even want to talk to him anymore. Cause I know we're just friends, but I can't see him as a friend.

I thought there was a moment that we connected, but also likely that he connected with many other girls as well. I didn't think or want to believe that he was what people said he was. I have my doubts now.

Since I don't even matter to him at doesn't make any difference if he looses a friend like me. I guess it's a good thing that he has coop for winter term.. This gets me sometime to forget about him.

-The End -

Saturday, December 19, 2009


說不定﹐ 下一秒他已經把它給忘了一干二淨

Friday, December 18, 2009






我就像陷在愛情的slow sand裡


一個人 還是 兩個人




他們走的時候 也把我的笑容給帶走了


是的話﹐ 那我不要了

沒有了 愛 到底是怎樣


我離開之前﹐我們有hug goodbye。。

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Year 2009

To my ladies:

Year 2009 is ending soon. This semester I’ve made a lot of new friends. But I didn’t forget old friends either! I think “Your friends are all that matters in the end” is true because you guys make me smile a mile wide lol. Past few months have been hectic for me. Thanks for those for lent me their ears and listened to me complain. I’m glad I’ve met you guys. There are some things that I cannot forget.

"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though they know you are slightly cracked."

Even though everyone is at diffrent schools, and we haven't seen each other for a long time, you guys are still the best!!! haha. Can't wait for 23rd~ and see everyone again =) hehe. Only 9 days til christmas and 15 days til countdown. Lets go skating sometime, shall we? :)

Although everyone matured in some ways and have new friends to hang out with. I'm sure we all miss the high school times and that little "姑婆" is still inside us lol.

Can you believe it? We lived almost 20 years of our lives already. Time sure flies by fast. Only two more years and we're done university (hopefully).

I think Year 2010 will be an awesomeone one as well because I'll have you guys with me :D

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Anney is fat = Anney is stressed

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG so stresssseddd!!
I swear organic chemistry is the worst course on earth..even worse than physics..!!! I think half of the class maybe even gonna fail the final...or the course!!!!!
When he asks us clicker questions..the result is basically 25,25,25,25% bar graphs..
pretty saddddd..cause no one knows the answer...well only 25% of the class does..LOL

anyways by thhursday..
ill have a new hairdo~
i'll have tons of WHITE HAIRRRRRRRRRRRrrr..
i don't even need to dye it..omggggggggg

and when i stress, i eat, i get fat, i stress some more, i eat some more, i get fat some more and the list goes on

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Finals are here~

I'm studying Organic Chemistry right now..Blah
I don't understand it at all..
I hate this friggen thick..
and content is so confusing =*(((..

Back to studying now...sighhhhhhhh

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ms. Lonely

I think I am really annoying. I complain this to everyone. But thats who I am. I am a person who cannot hide her feelings. Anyone can read me like a book.

Today I was feeling down again. I did good. I didn't text him at all or message him or whatever. When i got home today around 5pm, he messaged me when I got online. C'mon. I'm in a healing process over here. Today my heart was set to do these certain things and now you're here to distract me. I replied back. But his replies afterwards were so cold. Why did you even bother to talk to me in the first place? Give me some time and leave me alone.

I'm happy I have friends around who care for me. Sometimes it feels like it is not enough because that is not what I want ultimately. I have given up on this mostly, but part of me is still lingering over there.

I've talked to this person..and she reminded me that this is merely an infatuation. I have to admit: it is true. I don't know what is wrong with me. Maybe I don't like the feeling of getting played.. Maybe I just wanted to be loved by anyone.. I wish it was that simple.

You guys question me what I saw in him. I seriously don't know. It is just a feeling. I hope this feeling could die off faster. Maybe it is not going away because part of me doesn't want it to die off.

Feeling alone - No one is here

"You lay there crying yourself to sleep, with no one there next to you.
Why do you wait and hope? What is it that keeps you here?
Talking to an empty bed, an empty room, an empty house.
Not understanding where we've gone wrong.
Drifting so far apart, it's hard to see.
Too close to eech other some might say, loosing the way I perceive.
Pain, hurt and love all mixed into one.
This lonely heart is aching."

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Love is like Poker.

Love is like Poker. Sometimes you have to know when to fold; no sense in bleeding chips into a losing hand.

Song: Feels like Home - Chantal Kreviazuk
If you knew how lonely my life has been
And how long I've been so alone
And if you knew how I wanted someone to come along"

My life is ever so very messed up. I know you think I am head over heels in love with you, but it's just a crush. A crush that is crushing me. My wish is not to mean everything to everyone, but to mean something to someone. I wanna be the one you look at and say to your friends...thats her. But I'm going to smile like nothing's wrong, talk like everythng's perfect, act like it's a dream, and pretend it's not hurting me. Goodbyes' make you think. They make you realize what you've had and what you've lost. Why is it that I tell you just about everything I feel, but not everything, yet you still know that isn't everything that's bothering me? You're driving me nuts.

"Loneliness occurs when one builds a wall instead of a bridge"
And this feeling sucks.

What I learnt before, but forgotten:
"Never allow someone be your priority while allowing yourself being their option"

~Love stuck me hard on the face, and knocked me down~
You came into my life so unexpectedly,
and now you're walking out of it so suddenly..


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Shit happens

"It is not even a week, and he's got you where he wants you to be" --Xavier

You're so right. Screw it. I'll bury myself into piles of stats paper @@..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

way to go

chicks over dicks

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Anney doesn't want to play anymore.
Getting boring.
Getting tangents.
Getting nasty.

Don't be too serious.
Don't get too close to me.

I am just out for fun.
Stupid guys.

When is Mr. Right going to come?

You can say that I like many people at the same time..
or like nobody at all.


Jess: You are not guilty until you are proven guilty.
I have nothing to be guilty of. =)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Overdrinking isn't fun

On November 7th, 2009. I was at Alice Li's birthday party. I arrived at her place around 9:30pm..the party started and everyone was drinking already. First 15 mins, I think I only drank 3 bottles of corona and few jello shots of pure vodka..Next thing I knew I was drinking pure vodka shots with everyone coming in. (Heard from people that I finished the rest of the vodka bottle) After I saw Jenny, Yanwei, Seth and Phil coming in..I don't remember what happened. People said I was dancing on the table.. and then somehow some guy grabbed me into the washroom? I started puking.

According to others, I was camping in there for an hour. A lot of people came in and helped me to see if i was okay..and acutally I didn't know who were inside. Then I heard someone saying "Yo she puked something red. Let's get her to the hospital." (I think it's blood)
I didn't know how I got to the hospital..(In the end I know I was in ER)
Apparently, we waited for 4 hrs..but it felt like 30 mins. I think I literally passed out for the first few hours..and then I started puking again. The stuff I was puking out was really acidic. I think I damaged my esophagus (food track) that's why I was bleeding.

I didn't have any I.D. on me. Valerie (my classmate who was there with me) called people on my list and good thing they got into contact with Karen. At first they called Sandy and she told them to call Karen. Karen gave them my health card number and whatever..
In ER, I was shaking and shivering like mad. I had trouble breathing. I felt really cold. My limbs felt numb. Anyways I wanted to go home and sleep. But everytime I opened my eyes, I wanted to puke. Did I mention I was in the wheelchair?

I think I only saw the doctor for few seconds. Cause I wanted to leave so they had to check if I was well enough to go home. The doctor recommended me to stay, but fuckit they can't even give me a time when they'll see me. Valerie helped me sign the consent form to discharge myself from the hospital and take full responsibility. (aka if I die, it is not the hospital's problem)

The guy got me back to his car..I think on the way to the parking pants were falling off =_=! He had a loose grip of me. Anyways finally they managed to find my place and I can finally sleep. Karen was still awake to take care of me.

I'm so glad I met nice people to take care of me. I thought I was going to die that night =**(
Next morning I had a hangover headache and spat out some blood.
Feeling much better now..Just drinking lots of water.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

men vs women

I forgot where I read this..
Men's way of love is controlling their women..
Women's way of love is unconditionally loving their men..
WTF = =
Sad, but true.

PS: I was just brushing my teeth. Umn..I put my toothpaste on the shelf above the toilet..
It almost fell into the toilet bowl ~

Monday, October 26, 2009


I had 8:30 stats class today. (@MC building)
When I woke up this morning, I was friggen hungry..So I ate a pasta salad..
mmm and drank cold apple juice.
blaghlbalglhb..and during middle of the stomach was feeling icky..
around 9am..I couldn't stand it anymore..
Gave my clicker and notes to my friend.. and ran for the washroom..
I remember the women washroom is at one of the corners, but I couldn't remember which one..
OO!!..and then I saw a lady coming outta the washroom..
so I went straight to the stall..
After I was done..
while washing my hands..
I was wondering how come there are so many fountains beside the sink area.
HMNN..isn't this the women washroom??
Walked outside and looked at the door tag
FML = = I noticed after I finished everything..
I'm glad taht there weren't any men peeing when I came outta the stall

Friday, October 2, 2009

ATM my breath stinks because I am in love with..

so irresistable

garlic and onions

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

Morning classes

Wow I can't believe I am waking up 7:30am everyday. That is insane..cause during the summer..I was waking up at like 2-3pm. I slept at 11:30pm yesterday, WTF? I am so healthy yo lol.

I have STAT202 8:30am in the morning. When I first saw my nasty sched. I wanted to swap to an afternoon class..but there is only one other section which is also 8:30am in the morning...and it happens t show its by the same professor? What..I'm so confused. Two classes of the same subject, same time, different rooms..what does that mean?

LOL UW is being too cheap. only 1 stats prof for two classes..We had to alternate our prof lecturing times. day we will have the prof is out classroom..and the other class will see a live webcam version of our prof -_-" Anyways I just go to whichever room the prof is present..
UW just hire another prof man!!!!

Went to ECH furniture sale..their stuff is really cheap..but too heavy to carry it back home..Too bad they didn't have a book shelf..that is what I was looking for..They were selling washing machines there = = and desks..fairly new for 1$ including tax..REALLY sturdy binders /better than staples or dollarama ones for 0.25c each..They were also selling computer monitors for 1$ haha so funny.. ==

I am just in the DP library right now ..waiting ..class starts at 12:30pm = =

Im so hungry...only ate a mini crossaint before I left my place sighhh the morning the bus is packed..really gay..
but it only takes me 11 mins to walk to school today..LOL
I think I'm in military training or some shit..WALKING FASTER each day..hoho

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

WHO is HE?

He is ugly.
He is Chinese.
He is not tall.
He is in my lab.
He is someone I talked to for 1 min thru a friend.
He is added by me on msn.
He is not accepting my request..yet
He is prolly scared off!
He is occupied by another girl.
He is occupied by an older girl.
He is cute in a lab coat.
He is still ugly tho.
He is smart.
He is 1987.
He is out of reach and ugly. LOL

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Something about ?LOVE?

I was reading Seventeen the other day, my magazine just came in few days ago =P..and I came across this article: should you /get back/ together? It was like a survery/quiz like thing and see which category you fall into.

Here it is: Imma give a blurb to each category..
1. No! You're just feeling lonely. When you suddenly have spare time that you used to spend with your BF, it is easy to misinterept that empty feeling as regret. It is just lonliness.

2.No! You only miss your social life. When you and your guy were a couple, you had all the same friends and he always came with you to parties--so now you feel incomplete.

3.No! You're still hurt. You hate the thought of your ex moving on so much that you've convinced yourself you want him back--just so you don't have to see him with anyone else. (Lol, reminds me of an entry I wrote)

4. Yes! You had a good thing. If it's hard to remember what exactly caused your split in the first place, it's possible you need a break, not a breakup. (Hmn, I don't know if it applies to those who knew the cause of the breakup?)

I don't know..Maybe I am biased but I think #3 applies to most people.

PS: I also read can get certain STDS from kissing!!!!! and skin-to-skin contacts!!! so scary..=*(

End of Summer

I think I acconplished a lot this summer..Well not a lot, but at least I accompolished what I had in mind. I found a job that is related to the medical field. I also got into a volunteer position at some hospital. It feels great that I didn't waste my summer. I think I stuck to my original plan pretty well. Tho times my mindset wavered. I need to keep in mind what is important to me right now.

Just reading back on my old posts, I seemed so deteremined into what I was doing or trying to do. Um and I got lazy haha. The work was getting repititive and I don't feel challenged.

So my goal for fall is meet some nerds and camp at the library with them. lool!
Yes I can see that my near-future is black and white already. Gawd, I totally needta boost up my GPA or at least don't let it drop. It's only gonna get harder and harder.

Let Fall 2009 BEGIN! :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009




Monday, September 7, 2009

New school year..

So I moved some of the stuff into my new apartment already..Like mattresses, bed frame, desk and whatnot. OMG it is so fudging small. But KX said its like the same size as MKV..I think it looks smaller tho.

Anyways I still got a lot to pack. I posted some textbooks up today..and tried to find some textbooks too. All the textbooks I want are so expensive WTF. Sigh Froshies..please take my textbooks away! Pff..I want serious buyers only = =

I'll be textbooklesss~~~ T___T

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Fvccccccck. I hardly have insomia..I haven't had insomia since I don't know when. WTF? I always sleep so soundly like a dead person = =..
Couldn't sleep last night..I kept flipping around..Blah
and then I had such a horrrible dream when I actually fell asleep..
So I was "working" in this group..with 2 girls and a guy. Unknown faces. One of the girl was pissing me off! We kept picking fights. Whatever = =...
Then I woke up..
Here I am...I think I slept around 4/5am??..

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Annoying BEEches

I don't like my friends being judgmental of my other friends. It annoys me that it annoys me OMG I am annoyed = = All of my friends are nice people. You haven't hung out with those people before, who are you to judge? So stop doubting my friends/other friends/friends of friends and more friends...Whatever, BEECHES.. Stop making your friend here, I, feel uncomfortable.

加拿大 好山 好水 好无聊~~~

I feel so lazy these days. There isn't much to do. I jsut wanna sleep in all day all night. Leave me alone..I can cuddle in under my covers and never come out. ^___^ So warm in there..


FVCK..I wanna see a dermatologist..T_T
Too much whiteheads..
Too much blackheads..

Friday, August 28, 2009

Fun day out with the girls [Pics Heavy]

I met Cora and Wendy around 4pm today at STC. We ttced down to Union station to meet up with Mengwen. Yay I got two suveniors today -- I am so happy ^_^.

We arrived at Taiwanfest..saw a few cute guys but they were with girl(s). We got bored so we walked around the street trying to find a cafe. Ooh, William's Coffee Pub was just around the corner. We went in..and were about to order until we saw a dead fly on one of the plates..Then we left without ordering.

We walked down the other end and found Second Cup..I got a Moccacino and oatmeal raisin cookie..So expensive..T_T

We sat there and talked about their China vacation :)

After that, we tried to find this underground tunnel from union to king. We couldn't find the tunnel..we got lost. We walked for 40mins.

We came across Buskerfest..Wendy asked this lady to take a picture of us. But the lady was like "Sorry, but I just worked for 13 hours. I am too tired. I can't do this."..and she left. We were like......???

We tried to find the tunnel again..

In the end, we failed to find the tunnel. So ultimately we gave up LOL..
Then we went into this random building..The floor is so cool!

On the subway back..The police and this cameraman randomly came on..The policemen were talking to these black people. They were like "Is this a reality TV?" Policemen: "No..but it will be aired." LOL~ Okay so the one blocking is the fat police, but the other police infront is SO HANDSOME..I swear he should go to Hollywood.. God, he has such an awsome face..and his body is fit too..Shit I am drooling XD

Wendy was like.."Are they filming a movie?" Aww..shes so cute! :D

The camerman and the policemen left after two stations..Wtf so random = =..

PS: Photos credit to Wendy <3

Laugh all you want, Haters

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I hate..



ps: i love naiq

Friday, August 21, 2009

I'm the dumbest shit on earth

I was superglueing my cheap sneakers $6.50 and then I accidently superglued my index and thumb = = No. they are not stuck together..But I have glue on both..FML

Ew..feels so nasty. My skin feels tight and hard.. OMG

I tried washing my finger with hot water and then..i tried rubbing alcohol.
Okay gay..didn't work.

Then i tried to peel the glue off slowly. = =

It's gone now ...

Shopping Wishlist

I want to save up to buy some expensive accessories..
It'll take forever by the looks of it..

Marc By Marc Jacobs Molly Square Watch 36mm

Marc by Marc Jacobs square dial Molly watch. Square faced watch and round dial on polished black leather strap. Water resistant to 30 meters, 100 feet. Solid stainless steel. Quartz movement. 36mm
  • Stainless steel with leather strap
  • Price: $225.00

Sigh.. I really want this watch!!! It loooks sooo smexy xD

Unlucky soul..

I invited Antonio, Matthew and Vannessa over to my house to play MJ. Oh hell, I suck so much. I think I am getting suckier each day = =. Whatever..

Oh Daniel was here too..Eventho he didn't know how to play MJ + we had enough people. He said he likes the company *wink* Vannessa *wink* lol He brought some food over and made this korean dish..Everyone was full at the time..Only Matthew ate some.. LOl sad.

After like 2-3 hours of MJ.. Just happens that we're going to STC later to get Daniel's birthday present. Seriously I don't know how I swirled myself into this problem. I am so FUCKING broke. Sorry aobut hte profanity. I just want to emphasize how broke I am. Vannessa and I ended up getting him this shot glass chess set at Mind Games.. Hoho..there goes my money. I was saving it up so I can movie with other people next week T_T..

I am seriously the saddest soul on earth lor..

Anyways people left..There I was with Qian and her childhood friend. We were trying to find a 4th leg to open a new table. Called some people and people gave some excuses.

We ended up at Milestones cause Qian has this $25 giftcard..
She ordered this alcoholic beverage called Milestone's Caesar?..which tasted like ketchup LOL..
Her childhood friend ordered this pasta dish with goat cheese topping..ew = = Finally I knew how goat cheese tastes like and I would never ever order something with goat cheese ever. Oh and I ordered Milestone's dry cured ribs which was the only "decent" dish out of the three. What are the chances?

While waiting for the bill to come..I was asking if it is raining outside..It looked like it was getting darker.. Then Qian saw lightning..
Well she said it was too early to go home. We were planning to go to the superstore, but spotted the dark thunder clouds on the other side.

So we were walking back towards famous player's entrance.. Until we saw this ROARING rain shower coming towards us..Seriously it was like pouring like crazy on the other side of the parking lot and we could see it coming, Wtf? Anyways I was screaming and running..I hope we can make it to famous players DRY..but the next thing I knew the rain splattered all over my face. FML.
I was running like a wild chicken. Qian was running behind me..Wow the rain came to me like tidal waves = = the wind was pretty strong too. Anyways we finally go inside famous players. Went to their washroom and tried to dry up..Totally didn't work.

The rain was pouring so hard that front was all wet and the back of my pants was dry = =

Hai..what a funny and unlucky experience.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Random pics..

Just want to share some funny

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

We're all fools.

I'm really disliking this love shit. It is too complicated for me (not situation-wise). It is just confusing me so much. I don't understand at all. I really don't know. Blagh.

Some experienced girls (who has/had bfs) may say whynot be free and play around? I mean, you'll never know who's the right guy until you've tried. You are still young so why not experiment? You'll really never know, so just give him a shot. These girls often are curious and adventurous. They give and get easily. They are easygoing girls who love to have fun. But sometimes, they let themselves a bit loose and may be taken for granted.

To the inexperienced girls, the experienced girls may seem "stupid" to them. Like they would think why on earth would you let yourself be in a position that you will be used? Many inexperienced girls have traditional thoughts and fantasies of what love and relationships are like. These girls would wait for this one guy to appear and believe their relationship will last forever. They would believe that their first love will lead to marriage.

To the experienced girls, the inexperienced girls may seem "stupid" to them. Seriously? First love is probably during your school years and both of you are still young. Their relationship is so amateur. We are not living in disney world where the princess and the prince live happily ever after.

There are only two types of girls and it just happens we have something in common -- We're all fools.

Fool: Noun- A person who lacks judgment or sense.


I don't give a crap anymore.
Screw their tiny balls.
I have better things to do than getting guys' attention.
I have better things to do than being thirsty and hungry.
I have better things to do than talking about guys.

I want simple and pure friendships.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Just Dance.

Sigh, I wanna learn how to dance well..
I suck at dancing OMFG..
I am most stiff person on earth..
I think I have two right hands..
and two left feet..

How to dance like those pros...
So hard to master..

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Why am I so poor?!

I counted the money in my wallet..
I only had $1.19!!
Wtf I wanted to buy a chocolate bar from the vending machine.
Every item cost at least $1.25


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cheezy cheesecake

I wanted to make cheesecake few weeks ago, but I couldn't find the time or I was too lazy to buy the ingredients.

I grabbed my sister to Food Basics with me to get the ingredients. I wandered around the cheese area for minutes and couldn't find the last and most important ingredient to my menu..CREAM CHEESE. Seriously, I was so blind. Then I asked one of the staffs and he pointed to the fridge next to the one I was standing infront of. = =!

Oh I need 8 ounces of cream cheese, but I didn't convert the numbers ahead of time. So there were blocks of 250g cream cheese. I didn't know how many blocks I needed. I just took 3 of them since I eyeballed it to the premade graham crust. Turns out, I only needed 1 block..actually a little less than a block.

The cheesecake was super duper easy to make :)
At first, it was kind of hard to mix the cream cheese block. It got softer and softer, but there were still little clumps of cheese here and there. So I beated some more until my arm got sore and I gave up.
I put it in the freezer for 2 hours.

Uh the final product tastes like cheesecake, voila! Personally, I think the cake is too soft. Overall is pretty good. xD

Over msn, I told Qian about my cheesecake and she wanted to try some. She said she was getting out right now. So I was just waiting in the kitchen. Mm..after X minutes, she hasn't showed up. So I looked out the window of my door. Mmm..nobody walking towards my driveway..
She was right there the whole time.

I hate you Qian.
Scared the CRAP out of me!


There is only one chance

I can only live my life once. I will live my life to the fullest. I'd rather regret the things I have done than the things I have not. So far I don't regret anything that I have done since I learn from my experiences.

I think I am still in the stage of finding myself and what I want. Right now I care less about what others think of me and what they expect from me (a quote from KX: be real).

I am not thirsty or hungry or whatever. I am not in urge of finding potential boyfriends. I like meeting new friends, males and females, to help me know myself better. People with common interests and I can learn off from.

At least right now, I know I am not deprived in anything. I do not need a boyfriend or a potential one to live life and have fun. I like my life at the moment -- do my own things and go out with friends once in a while. I really like working with new people and being in different environments. Many of them inspire me --their dedication, their goals and whatnot.

Life is too short for what I could have and would have's. It is not too late, but one day it will be. I am living and living in the way I want. In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on.
Work hard, play hard.

"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead."

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I totally hate thunderstorms.
They botther me..
I can't help myself not to look out the window.
The lightning and thunder scares the crap out of me.
Good thing I am inside my house now..
What if I get electrocuted?!
The weather outside right now is as if
we are filming a harry potter movie..
it's dark, stormy..and creepy = =
I see nothing and hear nothing but the thunderstorm!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


I can't sleep.
Grandma is like fidgeting so loud in the washroom.
She is cleaning inside..for forever?!
Cousin talking so loudly on the phone.
Sis stomping away.
what is wrong with them = =
I want my sleep

Friday, August 7, 2009

Taste of Danforth

Thanks to somebody Anney has to wake up at 12:00pm.
Ohmygoodness, I could've slept til 2:00pm or something.

Ha, Qian was giving that poor old lady the face =(

Aw I love Jess and Qian oh so much <3>

Jess showing me her extruding armpit hair, Lol.

So we were at the park near Goldhawk library..
Qian mixed some shit..and this is her reaction after she drank it.

Why you never go back with your exes

If that situation ever comes up in my life, I don't think I will say yes. Don't be fooled because he begged. My theory is why be hurt by the same jerk twice? We know very well that everything will end up the same. Isn't that why we broke up in the first place? If he really loved you, he wouldn't have made you cry.

"Do not repeat chapters, for the ending of the story never changes!"


I was standing on the other side of the river,
Waiting for someone to build that bridge..
Maybe I am expecting too much
Or expecting too little..
I, the impatient girl
Swam across and drowned..

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


^ Yes the title is Blargh (aka puke*)
I don't know why, but today the clinic's bed tables smelled so bad.
Oh I was just talking to Antonio..he said he was dizzy and whatnot.
It just reminded me of the incident that happened at the clinic today.
It has nothing to do with him loool~
He was like "I made you feel disgusting? Wow."
So I was cleaning after the patients like any other day.
Today I was helping out at the cervical cancer clinic.
Anyways, I went into that room.
It smelled so bad, I wanted to puke omfg.
I had to grab the gloves that was on the sink counter.
And in that sink I saw two speculums..
One of them had blood!!!!
If you don't know what speculum is..
It is a medical instrument doctors use to check woman's down there.
Anyways. WTF. I was trying to hold my breath.
No wonder the room smelled so terrible.
I thought I was going to faint.
On the bed table, there was blood on the sheets!
Ew. She was kinda old?
Wtf. What happened to her menopause?
Anyways. Traumatized as ever.
Why am I always so traumatized?!

Mr. X

On the bus to volunteer --

I am reading a new book called "Stop Pretending".
This novel is coming from a little girl's perspective
of what the family is going through when her elder sister
went psychotic and hospitalized in a ward. The novel is
translated in the form of poetry.

I was on Steeles Ave. heading to Bayview Ave. --

I was sitting at the back of the bus and was reading my new book.
I looked shitty today.
I didn't comb my hair and it is tied into a pony tail.
I was wearing my volunteer uniform.

There were two "better" looking girls sitting across from me.
A guy came onto the bus..
He didn't sit beside me.
He sat beside the girl with shorts up to her crotch (..exaggerating lol)
But she might as well not wearing anything..
she wasn't wearing much anyways.
That shallow guy.

A few stops after Pacific Mall,
another guy came onto the bus..
He sat beside me
He also pulled out a book.
It was really thick and the words were tiny.

While those girls were chatting away
in their squeaky voice,
we were reading our books..

The bus driver was probably having a bad day.
He was giving us a bumpy and choppy ride..
A middle aged man stumbled in front of me
when the bus stopped suddenly.

I looked up.
I was about to offer him my seat when
that guy beside me asked the man first.
How considerate.
No one else on the bus offered..
not even those girls infront of me
and that guy beside them.

The guy beside me was
enjoys reading,
had glasses,
about my age,
has a decent voice.

I didn't look at him properly..
But he was probably ugly anyways.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Why you can't be friends with your ex

Because no woman can stand looking at her man or
used to be her man with another woman.
It is just too awkward.
We are possessive beings.
We do not like to share what we have or had.
So it is better off not knowing.

Doo la loo~

I am a sucker for movies

and a hopeless romantic..


I love Hush Hush / I Will Survive by Pussycat dolls =3


I will only go after my new friends..

No strangers..
No love at first sights..
No lightning bolts..
No accquitances..
No old friends..


Sunday, August 2, 2009


When we were at the Ribs Fest..Cindy, Sandy and I were just talking randomly. Then we came across the topic of marriage. They want to get married at 25 years old. There I was thinking 25?..are you serious?..Life just started! Personally I think I want to get married around 28-30 years old.

Like 25 years are still exploring the world and see what kind of men is suitable for you. You graduated from university and now just starting to build up your career. I don't know. The whole marriage idea at 25 years old..just seems so restricting? Then they said you can do all those things you wanted with your husband. There is so much more I want to get out of life.

It is not like I don't want to get married. But 25 seems too young for me..I don't even know myself that well yet and I am 18 years old already.. If I were to get married at 25 years old, I have to get my life sorted out within 7 years! That seemed too scary.

I think 28-30 years old in a good range to be married because hopefully..I will be mature to handle everything. I can support myself financially and hopefully support my family too. And I do NOT want to give birth over the age of 30..cause I don't like the risk. And I don't want to die when my children are still I thought..28-30 would be just fine.

Why do people want to get married so soon? I mean the whole point is being together isn't it? So it doesn't make a difference if you're boy/girlfriend or husband/wife. Marriage..I think that's too much commitment over there for me to think about. How'd you know if he is the right guy? How do you know if he will still love you a years later? Is he really willing to commit as you do? I mean is just paperwork and an excuse to party it up (jk XD). On the other hand, are still together and intimate..but if anything happens. It is not a divorce, but merely a breakup.

I am just thinking that if someone's life goal is to find his/her soulmate then I think that is ultimate stupidity. Cause my goal is to find ME and understand myself better (and know what I want).

Scarb. Ribs Fest

I went to the Ribs Fest with Sandy, Antonio, Daniel, Cindy and Terry. The place was uber crowded. It was reaalllly sunny too. I was getting heated. And a lot of old people were smoking :(
We bought a full rack from Camp 31. Supposedly, they were the champion last year and about to do it again. The ribs were alright, weren't as good as I expected. I thought it would be more bbqed or something. Qian's ribs were better...wait not her ribs >.> The ribs that her dad makes..Lol

Waterloo/Pics Update

Here are some pictures I took while I was at Waterloo.

My first stay was at Mengwen's place. This is her room. Very clean and big, I loved it! The price she is paying off is decent too -- only $360/month. Plus it is on bus route lol. Anyways, before we were planning that I should sleep on the sofa outside in the living room. The sofa was really soft and comfy, I wouldn't mind. But she had to stay up and do her math assignment. So I got to sleep in her bed :D We gossiped a little and had our girl's talk. It was fun =)

On my second day, I stayed over at Cleo's. Originally, I was going to stay over at Jennifer's, but she was partying it up with her friends til 4am. I wanted my sleep. That night matthew introduced me to his two friends: Ngyun (I don't know how to spell her name) and Eugene. We were planning to crash Jennifer's friend's birthday bash, but that would be awkward for all of us. We ended up going to the Engineering end of term party. It was so boring..I think most of them were 4th years and they jsut went for the drinks which I cannot take part in. So the party was meaningless to me.
Cleo and I were just randomly chatting and she gave me a mini make-up makeover, lol. Oh yeah, there were a lot of flies at her place which gave met the shivers. I just wanted to throw out a chip bag and knocked the garbage bag a little ..then a family of 20 flies flew out of the bag! Mhm, Cleo made some wings for all of us :)

Water-water-water..LOO-loo-loo! I had an awesome time volunteering at Student Life 101. I met some great people esp. people from my group (Holla @ Pav, Nick, Claudia, and Misfiq!) It was showering a little rain at first, but we ushered inside Fed Hall the rest of the it's all good. I wished I didn't miss the deadline for Science Oweek Leader. Gah, it would've been fun! At the thank-you party, they served us Bomber's pizzas. It was delicious <3
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