
Friday, August 28, 2009

Fun day out with the girls [Pics Heavy]

I met Cora and Wendy around 4pm today at STC. We ttced down to Union station to meet up with Mengwen. Yay I got two suveniors today -- I am so happy ^_^.

We arrived at Taiwanfest..saw a few cute guys but they were with girl(s). We got bored so we walked around the street trying to find a cafe. Ooh, William's Coffee Pub was just around the corner. We went in..and were about to order until we saw a dead fly on one of the plates..Then we left without ordering.

We walked down the other end and found Second Cup..I got a Moccacino and oatmeal raisin cookie..So expensive..T_T

We sat there and talked about their China vacation :)

After that, we tried to find this underground tunnel from union to king. We couldn't find the tunnel..we got lost. We walked for 40mins.

We came across Buskerfest..Wendy asked this lady to take a picture of us. But the lady was like "Sorry, but I just worked for 13 hours. I am too tired. I can't do this."..and she left. We were like......???

We tried to find the tunnel again..

In the end, we failed to find the tunnel. So ultimately we gave up LOL..
Then we went into this random building..The floor is so cool!

On the subway back..The police and this cameraman randomly came on..The policemen were talking to these black people. They were like "Is this a reality TV?" Policemen: "No..but it will be aired." LOL~ Okay so the one blocking is the fat police, but the other police infront is SO HANDSOME..I swear he should go to Hollywood.. God, he has such an awsome face..and his body is fit too..Shit I am drooling XD

Wendy was like.."Are they filming a movie?" Aww..shes so cute! :D

The camerman and the policemen left after two stations..Wtf so random = =..

PS: Photos credit to Wendy <3


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