
Sunday, August 2, 2009


When we were at the Ribs Fest..Cindy, Sandy and I were just talking randomly. Then we came across the topic of marriage. They want to get married at 25 years old. There I was thinking 25?..are you serious?..Life just started! Personally I think I want to get married around 28-30 years old.

Like 25 years are still exploring the world and see what kind of men is suitable for you. You graduated from university and now just starting to build up your career. I don't know. The whole marriage idea at 25 years old..just seems so restricting? Then they said you can do all those things you wanted with your husband. There is so much more I want to get out of life.

It is not like I don't want to get married. But 25 seems too young for me..I don't even know myself that well yet and I am 18 years old already.. If I were to get married at 25 years old, I have to get my life sorted out within 7 years! That seemed too scary.

I think 28-30 years old in a good range to be married because hopefully..I will be mature to handle everything. I can support myself financially and hopefully support my family too. And I do NOT want to give birth over the age of 30..cause I don't like the risk. And I don't want to die when my children are still I thought..28-30 would be just fine.

Why do people want to get married so soon? I mean the whole point is being together isn't it? So it doesn't make a difference if you're boy/girlfriend or husband/wife. Marriage..I think that's too much commitment over there for me to think about. How'd you know if he is the right guy? How do you know if he will still love you a years later? Is he really willing to commit as you do? I mean is just paperwork and an excuse to party it up (jk XD). On the other hand, are still together and intimate..but if anything happens. It is not a divorce, but merely a breakup.

I am just thinking that if someone's life goal is to find his/her soulmate then I think that is ultimate stupidity. Cause my goal is to find ME and understand myself better (and know what I want).

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