
Friday, August 21, 2009

Unlucky soul..

I invited Antonio, Matthew and Vannessa over to my house to play MJ. Oh hell, I suck so much. I think I am getting suckier each day = =. Whatever..

Oh Daniel was here too..Eventho he didn't know how to play MJ + we had enough people. He said he likes the company *wink* Vannessa *wink* lol He brought some food over and made this korean dish..Everyone was full at the time..Only Matthew ate some.. LOl sad.

After like 2-3 hours of MJ.. Just happens that we're going to STC later to get Daniel's birthday present. Seriously I don't know how I swirled myself into this problem. I am so FUCKING broke. Sorry aobut hte profanity. I just want to emphasize how broke I am. Vannessa and I ended up getting him this shot glass chess set at Mind Games.. Hoho..there goes my money. I was saving it up so I can movie with other people next week T_T..

I am seriously the saddest soul on earth lor..

Anyways people left..There I was with Qian and her childhood friend. We were trying to find a 4th leg to open a new table. Called some people and people gave some excuses.

We ended up at Milestones cause Qian has this $25 giftcard..
She ordered this alcoholic beverage called Milestone's Caesar?..which tasted like ketchup LOL..
Her childhood friend ordered this pasta dish with goat cheese topping..ew = = Finally I knew how goat cheese tastes like and I would never ever order something with goat cheese ever. Oh and I ordered Milestone's dry cured ribs which was the only "decent" dish out of the three. What are the chances?

While waiting for the bill to come..I was asking if it is raining outside..It looked like it was getting darker.. Then Qian saw lightning..
Well she said it was too early to go home. We were planning to go to the superstore, but spotted the dark thunder clouds on the other side.

So we were walking back towards famous player's entrance.. Until we saw this ROARING rain shower coming towards us..Seriously it was like pouring like crazy on the other side of the parking lot and we could see it coming, Wtf? Anyways I was screaming and running..I hope we can make it to famous players DRY..but the next thing I knew the rain splattered all over my face. FML.
I was running like a wild chicken. Qian was running behind me..Wow the rain came to me like tidal waves = = the wind was pretty strong too. Anyways we finally go inside famous players. Went to their washroom and tried to dry up..Totally didn't work.

The rain was pouring so hard that front was all wet and the back of my pants was dry = =

Hai..what a funny and unlucky experience.

1 comment:

  1. LOL... ok ok... so ur more broke now... that's what i thot when i heard u guys were picking a present for someone... "isn't anney dirt poor???" sucks to be u laaaa... altho im broke too... >.<


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