
Monday, August 3, 2009

Why you can't be friends with your ex

Because no woman can stand looking at her man or
used to be her man with another woman.
It is just too awkward.
We are possessive beings.
We do not like to share what we have or had.
So it is better off not knowing.


  1. omg i love this line: "We are possessive beings." i totally agree!!!

  2. lmao! true..possessive beings...we even hate liking the same crush as our potential love rivals...

    sighs~ forget it la...I think i should stop hitting on fork...cuz im not a knife = =

  3. don't give up la karen mama... i totally think u have the potential... just give it a bit more time...XD and about the friendship part... i think NOT... dunno... still experimenting... =d

  4. I think that you can. Why not? This will be possible at the point when you truly don't feel anything more for that person. If you can't, you probably just need a little bit more time and things happening.


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