
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

We're all fools.

I'm really disliking this love shit. It is too complicated for me (not situation-wise). It is just confusing me so much. I don't understand at all. I really don't know. Blagh.

Some experienced girls (who has/had bfs) may say whynot be free and play around? I mean, you'll never know who's the right guy until you've tried. You are still young so why not experiment? You'll really never know, so just give him a shot. These girls often are curious and adventurous. They give and get easily. They are easygoing girls who love to have fun. But sometimes, they let themselves a bit loose and may be taken for granted.

To the inexperienced girls, the experienced girls may seem "stupid" to them. Like they would think why on earth would you let yourself be in a position that you will be used? Many inexperienced girls have traditional thoughts and fantasies of what love and relationships are like. These girls would wait for this one guy to appear and believe their relationship will last forever. They would believe that their first love will lead to marriage.

To the experienced girls, the inexperienced girls may seem "stupid" to them. Seriously? First love is probably during your school years and both of you are still young. Their relationship is so amateur. We are not living in disney world where the princess and the prince live happily ever after.

There are only two types of girls and it just happens we have something in common -- We're all fools.

Fool: Noun- A person who lacks judgment or sense.



    I love ur blog XD

    u miss the last type of girls...

    some girl...they just wanna to be left alone....they dun need anything except money to get them going

  2. yeahhhhhh yeahhhhhhh kx mama... everyone needs someone... whether a guy, a girl or both... XP

    p.s. i love ur blog la...


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