
Wednesday, August 5, 2009


^ Yes the title is Blargh (aka puke*)
I don't know why, but today the clinic's bed tables smelled so bad.
Oh I was just talking to Antonio..he said he was dizzy and whatnot.
It just reminded me of the incident that happened at the clinic today.
It has nothing to do with him loool~
He was like "I made you feel disgusting? Wow."
So I was cleaning after the patients like any other day.
Today I was helping out at the cervical cancer clinic.
Anyways, I went into that room.
It smelled so bad, I wanted to puke omfg.
I had to grab the gloves that was on the sink counter.
And in that sink I saw two speculums..
One of them had blood!!!!
If you don't know what speculum is..
It is a medical instrument doctors use to check woman's down there.
Anyways. WTF. I was trying to hold my breath.
No wonder the room smelled so terrible.
I thought I was going to faint.
On the bed table, there was blood on the sheets!
Ew. She was kinda old?
Wtf. What happened to her menopause?
Anyways. Traumatized as ever.
Why am I always so traumatized?!


  1. EW f u = = I am reading this while enjoying my tea...omg I almost choked when i read upto that speculum part...ERRR to work in the hopsital...> >

  2. LMFAO... hahahahahaha you're reactions are so innocently cute... -__-"


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