
Monday, December 21, 2009

曹格-數到五答應我~ I wanna be your lover, don't wanna be your friend~

That day I got locked out of my apartment..I messaged a lot of ppl..and also messaged him. Everyone seemed so caring and KX even spared her studying time to help me. But his reply was "Sorry gotta study soon. ttyl". That killed me a little inside.

After talking on the phone with my friend the other night, she was right. If he doesn't care for me, why should I care for him? I'm really sick and tired of waiting because I was waiting all along.. Even though I "moved out of that phase", I still didn't completely let go. I always wondered about what could have happened and, what might happen, and what will happen.

我毀滅愛情 就算不甘心
只能欺騙自己 最後還是省省力氣
我們之間 朋友而已

It really sucks to wait for someone who you know won't like you back the same way you like him. I don't even want to talk to him anymore. Cause I know we're just friends, but I can't see him as a friend.

I thought there was a moment that we connected, but also likely that he connected with many other girls as well. I didn't think or want to believe that he was what people said he was. I have my doubts now.

Since I don't even matter to him at doesn't make any difference if he looses a friend like me. I guess it's a good thing that he has coop for winter term.. This gets me sometime to forget about him.

-The End -

1 comment:

  1. FORGET ABOUT HIM.........................



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