
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holiday Day 1

Nancy finally picked up her cheque~..since September..Last few times I forgot to bring it back toronto..or that I didn't even come back to toronto at all.. But anyways that is that. Haven't seen her in awhile. She just came back and picked it up..she seemed like she was in a rush..

Ohya, sidenote, I love my new nail polish colour <3 ORANGE

Today we hung out at matt's place. AHah it was pretty fun! :)
I suck at rockband...MMM totally beatLESS..
..that's cause I don't like to follow the rules..and I like to be catched in surpise ;) ( so funny XD..)
We made curry chicken with carrots and potato! It was a decet meal :D Jin's terriyaki chicken was awesome too..but i find Matt's peas too sweet ahha..the cooking process was sO funny tho!
I loved caroling~ that was fun too XDDD..Matt's internet is an epic fail =_=! haha maybe cause we were in the basement..hmnnn
oya he drove us home later~ apprently he drives okay :P !
daniel's letter to everyone was very sweet!
and that is all. I don't feel like blogging right now~
playing minesweeeepers~

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