
Sunday, September 13, 2009

End of Summer

I think I acconplished a lot this summer..Well not a lot, but at least I accompolished what I had in mind. I found a job that is related to the medical field. I also got into a volunteer position at some hospital. It feels great that I didn't waste my summer. I think I stuck to my original plan pretty well. Tho times my mindset wavered. I need to keep in mind what is important to me right now.

Just reading back on my old posts, I seemed so deteremined into what I was doing or trying to do. Um and I got lazy haha. The work was getting repititive and I don't feel challenged.

So my goal for fall is meet some nerds and camp at the library with them. lool!
Yes I can see that my near-future is black and white already. Gawd, I totally needta boost up my GPA or at least don't let it drop. It's only gonna get harder and harder.

Let Fall 2009 BEGIN! :)

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