
Monday, October 26, 2009


I had 8:30 stats class today. (@MC building)
When I woke up this morning, I was friggen hungry..So I ate a pasta salad..
mmm and drank cold apple juice.
blaghlbalglhb..and during middle of the stomach was feeling icky..
around 9am..I couldn't stand it anymore..
Gave my clicker and notes to my friend.. and ran for the washroom..
I remember the women washroom is at one of the corners, but I couldn't remember which one..
OO!!..and then I saw a lady coming outta the washroom..
so I went straight to the stall..
After I was done..
while washing my hands..
I was wondering how come there are so many fountains beside the sink area.
HMNN..isn't this the women washroom??
Walked outside and looked at the door tag
FML = = I noticed after I finished everything..
I'm glad taht there weren't any men peeing when I came outta the stall


  1. OMG ...LOOLOOLLLL... so i guess the woman wasn't really a woman?? xD and aww... I drank apple juice today too ;D


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