
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wheels on the bus go round and round

When I am on the bus/subway whatever public transit..when you are down on those seats that face each other or the window. Ugh I don't know where to look at.
I find everything very awkward. I mean what if the person thinks I am looking at him/her?
I usually look at the empty windows diagonally from me.
Today, I brought a book with me. I was reading on the was alright in the beginning..
Until I feel like I was carsick..
Okay FMI _ never read on the bus ever again.
I felt like pregnant woman who wanted to puke = =


  1. HHAHAHAHA omgggggggg.. ur so funny.. i ALWAYS since in those seats.. i like those seats at the back... LOL... and i just slp... or do w.e XD

  2. omg.. I have the same problem. I just end up staring at the floor or at my lap, which is so boring.. -__- thats why I try to never sit in those seats that face other ppl..sigh I'm so paranoid... and I can't read either - it's too bumpy and I can't concentrate.. >_<

  3. LOLOL that's what happened to me today too.. I didn't know what to look at ..and I started reading Metro..HAHAHA then I gv and started to stare at this kid..LOL <---no im not pedo..b/c If you look at the kid..the kid doesnt think you're staring at him/her lmao

  4. I never had any problem reading books on bus :P

  5. I used to have this problem, but now empty seats are hard to come by. The only solution I can think of is wear some huge aviator sunglasses. Thank God I don't get carsick cause I don't like aviators.


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