
Saturday, July 11, 2009


It is really finding the right person that counts -- and finding that right person is not easy most of the times. That person needs to accept you for who you are and love you for who you are because you are you. But at the same time you can find that he is influencing you slowly for the better. A healthy relationship always and should have you learning a good quality from that person. That person will slowly change you without you knowing it -- it is not forced! Well have you ever asked yourself why you are in the relationship and is it really worth it? If you can't learn ANYTHING from that relationship then what is the point? What is the point of being in the relationship if you are just keep giving and giving?

Personally, I think long distance relationships never work..from my personal experiences. Well yes the feeling does fade and it is really hard to keep everything going. I know couples want to still keep it together and just don't want to let go because they are used each other's camponionship. They always say they try to make it work and visit each other...give telephone calls and whatever. But it is just not the same -- you loose that close proximity between the both of you. Unless you establish a strong both before the departure then it may work. I think in the end, worse case worst the chemistry is just gone anyhow..there is no more infatuation involved..on a lighter note, the love most likely converted to passion..or a family-like love.

Well..if the couple does survive the long distance relationship that I mean, they can be close again. For example, they are both in the same city, area and whatnot ..which is like when we graduate from university..when everyone has settled down for the jobs. Then they can re-establish their relationship again.. But most couple doesn't survive through the torment from long D. That is the problem.

Like even married couples who haven't seen each other for a period of time would feel somewhat distant and not the same anymore. People change and it is not the same person we fell in love with anymore. After that realization, people who go their separate ways.

Anyways, it is 1am right now..I have to wake up 7:30am tmw because of my retarded job.
I will rant on this another time..

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