
Thursday, July 16, 2009

A random day at the Wasabi

I got off from Volunteer at 4 and called Carmen to see what's up with her and Victor. Uhhhh blahblahblah after some talking..we decided to go "Teen Yut" Jap Buffet around 6:00pm. When I was about to step into my house, Carmen called and they were coming over already!I was wearing my lovely new white heels today. They didn't hurt in the beginning..

Anyways..when we arrived at that Jap Buffet they told us it is fully booked and we can't go today DANG! We wanted to bus to another Jap Buffet..We were just waiting at the bus stop..So when the bus was arriving to the bus stop..Carmen said "Yo! The bus is here. Let's walk!"..Victor and I were thinking..walking to where?! WE ARE AT THE STOP, HONEY!

We used the leftover transfer..took the bus from Mccowan and Sheppard to Kennedy and Passmore..then we walked from there to Wasabi..OMG IT WAS A BRUTAL WALK FOR ME..rmb, I was in heels and it was a rocky path.. It feet hurt in the end ):

We ordered the usual stuffs. Victor didn't know what "full" was. Lol On our last call, Carmen ordered a rainbow roll (8pcs), one plate of seaweed salad, a bowl of miso soup, one takoyaki, and 5 sashimi pieces.. yes she ordered all that for herself! She tried to finish it, but there were 3 pieces from the rainbow roll left.. She was so full that she semi-puked?! I had a blast! I had red bean, green tea and mango ice cream. And two mango puddings for desserts <3

We were waiting for the bus home..and the clouds looked cool =D


  1. "semi-puked".............. hahaha

  2. so fobby yah anneyah..hahaha jk <3 =P ur having so much fun eating out..MONEY'S NOT AN ISSUE HUH HUH T_T


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