
Saturday, July 18, 2009


Being in a relationship is like playing tug-a-war with your significant half. You can't pull the rope too tightly because you would fall. You can't hold on too loosely because your partner would fall. So sometimes you hold on tightly and other times you let it loose -- it is finding that right balance that keeps the game going.
Everyone needs their personal space and freedom. If you are pulling the rope tightly, it is like you are trying way too hard in the relationship. You are not allowing yourselves to breathe. When you are in a relationship, it doesn't mean you have to be with each other every single day.
Let it loose and be laid back a little. Instead of getting sick being together all the time, you will be anticipating to have some time alone. You will find this freshness in your significant half.
But don't let the rope left dangling, you still have keep the war going. You also want to show that you care and not being so care less.
So really it is finding that right balance for long lasting relationships


  1. lol wtf when i started reading this i was like wtf this sounds soooooooooo familiar... then by the middle of the paragraph i was like... oo this is from that tvb drama = = LMAO

  2. LOL took you that long to realize?! = =


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