
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My little shoe collection

Casual grey heels from Costa Blanca.. They are really comfy.

Smexy gladiator heels <33>

Omg I love these heels, but they are 11.5cm high. from Urban Planet.

I really like the shiny butterflies :)

Winter black boots.. omg they are the cutest boots on earth <3

Awesome pair of pro-looking black heels xD

The white heels I told my mom to get for me :D


  1. omfg anney SO MANY HIGH HEELS T-T -jealous- JUST CUZ u got smaller feet..and shorter height ..u get to wear cute/pretty shoes ...T___T

  2. actually my size is really hard to find!! T_T

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. (made a typo in previous comment OTL) oh my god Anney you must be really bored!! But I wanna do this too now cause it looks like fun!! And THIS IS IT?? LET THERE BE A PART 2 PLZ.. and I LOVE THOSE WHITE HEELS! SO cute! XD


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