
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I hate..

CLIQUES. It is so f*cking annoying.
I hate how when you are inside a groupy..
you just have this natural thing to hate other groups.
It is SO $#%#$%#$%#..
I want to live as an individual..
I SO SEVERELY DISLIKE the groupy things..
Why can't we all chill together?
I think it is fun to meet new people, different people.
Sigh some just like to meet "certain types of people"..people of their own kinds.
They like to be in their safety bubble.
God the more I think about it..the more I hate the cliques idea.
I hate how people have to try so hard to fit in..that is just stupid.
I don't like it when people say.."aren't you hanging out with your groupy?"
What groupy?? I hang out with everyone. Seriosuly. I don't like these labels.
Cause when I try to call people out..They are like..nahhh I don't know them well..
Blah..We're not in the same group..
And I hate it when people plan certain activities just for certain type of people..
I can't believe this person original plan of going to the beach is for COUPLES ONLY.
SAY WHAT?! Are you saying singles can't go to the beach?
Wow I am so ticked off by that. I thought I suggested the idea of going to the beach..

Okay I am cooled down now. = =


  1. I get what you mean, apparently SOME people I know, don't want to tag along with our outings because they don't know "the group" that well, and don't wish to be left out. But the only reason we even call them out is to have fun, not to join/be a part of the groupie. There is no groupie, just a bunch of friends hanging out - so simple, yet people make it so complicated for themselves.

  2. Haha, I seem to fit in quite a few "groups"....

    But then there are people who can get along with and people that you can't..... just different interests and values. And that's what make communication difficult.


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