
Saturday, July 11, 2009

At work

I did wake up at 7:30am today and made it to the bus stop ! When I got to Major Mack and Leslie St. it started raining -- I didn't expect it to rain at was pretty hott. Anyways ate some random chinese breakfast at this restaurant before going to work. God it was like a 1hr thunderstorm? While I was setting up the computer stuffs..the power went off..the doctor said it was not safe to work in this environment (seeing patients and all)..he said wait for a few minutes and see what happens next..DAMN and right then the power came back. GOD how I wanted to go home and not work today.

Today started off quite busy.. Two doctors were in today: Dr. Albert Yeung and Dr. Shourky Hanna.. Dr. Yeung had the entire day booked and he looked awfully stressed!! OMG Dr. Hanna is entirely opposite of Dr. Yeung. The clinic starts at 10am and Dr. Hanna just walked in 11:15am??
and when the clinic was quiet...I was checking up on Dr. Hanna and I saw him playing minesweeper on the computer..while Dr. Yeung was filing away~
P.S:Dr. Hanna left early too..around 12:50pm??...hello, we close at 2pm!! and between his shift today..he even went to timmy's to grab a coffee!! Ha, Dr. Yeung always look so stressed and likes to take care of everything himself.
Okay secretly I was playing solitaire when I was free...XD

I hate the part where I have to bus home..bussing isn't bad, but I hate it when buses aren't on time and YRT is like 30mins/bus and it friggen pisses me off..I get off at 2pm and I get home at 4pm!! what is this?!

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