
Monday, July 20, 2009

Nosy me

I was working last saturday at the clinic..
So this couple came in and I was on the phone with a lady. I couldn't hear clearly what they said when I was on the phone. I asked for their reason of their visit. They want to get a blood test. Because our clinic that day was walk-ins only, I wasn't sure if I can let them through or not. I paged the doctor and asked him (I was on the phone with him). He asked what the blood test was for. So I asked them what the blood test was for. The guy said they want to test for HIV and STD. Ugh, I kind of stuttered. The doctor said yeah it was okay and check them in.

After I checked them in and lead them into the room. Their demographics popped up on the screen. So I was just looking around and found out that the girl is the same age as me! Her birthdate was June 1990! OMIGAH! So I looked over at the guy's demographics..It read 1980.
EW I was thinking..they can't be having sex...can they?! Why are they testing for STD and HIV! All these question marks were runnign through my head. Anyways, their relationship and their reason for the visit to the clinic bothers me.

I was trying to think positive.. Maybe they didn't do it yet. Maybe they want to get checked..before they do it~ !! I hope it's that. LOL

Sigh are you for real..?!
I wouldn't go out with a 28 years old man = =


  1. LMAO anney ur sho funneh!! hahahaha so noisy but srsly i would have done the same..LOL proves how immature we are T_T~

  2. LOOOOOOL.. "Age is just a number"
    My parents are nine years apart ... so... meh. XD

  3. I don't get it
    when you are 2 yrs is weird if you're dating a 12 yrs old boy.
    But it is okay if date a 49 years old man when you are 39 years old.

    Blagh. Confuzzle me


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