
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Just some thoughts

Love? Doesn't that include trust? Then why people keep making rules for their partners?
Like the girl would say: Do no look at other girls. and the guy would say: Wear more clothes. You look like a slut. Okay I am just being generic over here..

I thought when we are in love: one of the major quality is your other half, no? Why are we making rules then? We should trust him that he knows where the bottom line is. If he really loves you, he would care for how you would feel and react to his actions. If he is off the track -- wow, that just shows how much he cares. And you can get over that guy in a second.

So why make so many rules? Insecurities. But along with these rules you're giving, you're also pushing him away. No one likes to be restrained. In another point of view, you would probably be sickened by how many don'ts and do's he's throwing out to you!

So just let the relationship flow on its own. If it doens't work out, it was just never meant to be. If it is a happy ending: then you've found your soulmate!

1 comment:

  1. -shocked- IS THIS WHO I THINK IT IS?!?!!??!?!?!?!?! Such a poetic romancy thingy ..bloggy =D hahaha -stalks-


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