
Monday, July 13, 2009

Is he really that into you?

If he says it is personality all that counts -- that is bullshit!
He has to find you pretty in some ways to go out with you (all males are like that).
They are visual animals, sigh.
But girls on the otherhand, they are finding someone who really understands them and treats them like princesses. Good looks are just bonuses.

Girls are looking for someone who they see can be with for a long time.
While guys, they just want to fool around and see what they can get.
Well, we all know the obvious..if he flirts with other girls or not giving his time to you..those are the signs that he may be falling out of love.
There is a saying that..if a guy says "I love you" more than 3 times a day that means he really loves you..of course he has to be consistent. Mmm..I don't know about might be all talk and no meaning to it.

How do you know if he is really into you.. Uh easy? When he puts you in front of everybody else including himself! Yes, some guys are selfish like that..He may love you, but he puts himself before you and you don't want that. It shows you aren't as important as you thought you were.
Also when you do something wrong..does he blame you or comfort you? Does he do romantic things without being told to? Is he willing to commit? His actions says it all!

Mmm..I've found many situations where everyhting started out through msn..
You guys would talk every night and maybe progress to phone or even hanging out!
In my opinion, guys are rotten to begin with. They are immature and don't knonw how to deal with relationships yet. They just want to have some fun. In some cases, the guy can be a sweet guy. But they are all rotten in the end. Needless to say.. either they break up with you or you cannot stand him anymore so you break up with him. BAD APPLES!

If the guy thinks you are easy to get, he will speed up the process faster aka to faster breakups.
You have to be interesting to let the guy keep going. Guys like to feel challenged. If you are getting boring, he'll move on to the next girl.

Guys move on faster than girls. That's because girls believe..maybe they can get back together again or be good friends and alwaysthink about the old times (DON'T THINK THAT WAY!)
Guys just don't want to deal with the mess anymore. They want you out of their lives..the situation is too sticky for them to handle because they are immature like that. Most cases, while he is out having fun, you are moping away at home.

Guys are different from girls. They don't get as attached as girls do. Mm..eventhough the guy was chasing after you and asking you out.. After going out for some time, he may be bored and is slowly falling out of love. Mmm..and girls, they slwoly fall in love! The girl is used to his belonging. However, he doesn't want to be there anymore. This is the worst case because now they are on different pages.

Now this is the time when the signs start to show.
- he doesn't answer your calls
- he wants to do other things other than being with you

If he is being a jerk than break up with him before he does to you!
He isn't worth your time anyways.


Don't get me wrong. There are good guys out there..but they are usually "not our types". As I said before good looks are jsut bonuses. So in this scenario..there is this really geeky guy who has no hygiene and this decent looking guy who is okay in every aspect and you talk to both guys. (The geeky guy isn't a romantic, but he will be a faithful boyfriend. The decent looking guy makes you laugh all the time, but he will break your heart in the end.) <-- girls don't know that. They just think both are great guys, but the decent looking guy got some bonuses. So they go out with the decent looking guy. The good guys are never chosen! Girls just get themselves hurt time after time.


  1. Ouch. Nice guys always finish last, is what they say.

  2. I guess you have been dealing those kinds of guys a lot then... I don't think most guys are like that.
    On the other hand, girls are not any better...


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