
Thursday, July 23, 2009

at waterWOO~

So in some days of my summer, I was missing my student life at waterloo. When I was at school, I really wanted summer to come faster. When summer arrived, I wanted school to start again. And the gay cycle continues. I am finally here at waterloo after who knows how long. I'm typing this at the DC library. Everyone has class or work right now. I am waiting for Mengwen to pick me up. When I called her, she was still at home. I was skimming around when I was typing this..And the guys here are the fugliest..$#%!$..Sigh how come I don't see any hot guys right now?! I want some eye candies >.>.. and how come there were no hot guys sitting beside me on greyhound?! But instead, an old lady with runny nose. I offered her some tissue. Sigh


  1. Come to the Engineering End of Term Party tomorrow night :P

  2. LOL knew it...when I was in loo on sunday..there were no one....NO ONE AT ALL...and plus none of the guys in my program is yah....loo sucks = =

  3. AHAHAHAHAHAH are there even eye candies during the "normal school yr"?!?!?!


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