
Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I was reading the newspaper while busing to stc..
I came across this news article..
A woman was charged for mudering her 3 weeks old baby. She dismembered his body parts and ate his brains out and other parts.. She was arrested before stabbing herself to death.
This is all because.. she went psychotic when her husband moved out..
Sigh the news article was so disturbing.. I was just telling few of my friends on msn about this..
Most reactions were like "Ewww." and etc..
This was Steph's reaction:

stephanie says:
its okay
it probably had very little brain anyways
» anneyyy. says:
stephanie says:

My life..

I don't think my life is fulfilling yet..
I feel like there is something missing..
But I don't know what it is..
I want to explore more, know more..
There is so much out there that I want to learn..
I want to be ambitious..
Life is too short for fun..
I don't want to be restricted..

Monday, July 27, 2009

SMD if I have one

Hell, I don't need to take attitude from nobody. If you have a problem with yourself, suck it up. There is no need to put your anger onto other people. Really, for now I'll just walk away and let you be. You can't make friends like that. Maybe you can. Make friends with your own kind, cocky a$$holes. I really hate scorpio guys. They have a freaking personaility defect. They have mood swings like they have menopause. Be a stubborn scumbag, all your friends will slowly walk away from you. Once you are out, please don't ever enter my life again. You rot in your superficial world and be with other shallow beings.


I just put on my contacts. Took forever to get it on.. but I like putting it on then taking it off.
Touching your eyeballs are the nastiest feeling on earth. FML what have I gotten myself into?

-- msn convo

Jasmine says:
that's why I don't want them!
i hate when something gets in my eye
or put eye drops in
» anneyyy. says:
i dont like
pulligg my eyes
and touching my balls..
= =
i meant eyeballs

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What can't you do when you are under 19?

Yes, you heard me. You can't eat wings. I wanted to grab some wings with Mengwen, Matthew, and Yunyi at Morty's. When we arrived there, it was crowded. I went up to the reception and said "Anney for four". She was about to book me down, but she asked for my ID first. Ughh, I gave her my driver's license ID. She asked me if I were 19 or over. I said I am 18. She was like..I am sorry, you can't eat now cause you aren't allowed to be on blalbalba....balbla....cause after 9pm This is a bar/pub...blablalblab...Sorry I totally tuned her out so I couldn't remember what she said.

Anyways, my point is..when you are under 19 years of can't eat wings on Thursday nights. FML

at waterWOO~

So in some days of my summer, I was missing my student life at waterloo. When I was at school, I really wanted summer to come faster. When summer arrived, I wanted school to start again. And the gay cycle continues. I am finally here at waterloo after who knows how long. I'm typing this at the DC library. Everyone has class or work right now. I am waiting for Mengwen to pick me up. When I called her, she was still at home. I was skimming around when I was typing this..And the guys here are the fugliest..$#%!$..Sigh how come I don't see any hot guys right now?! I want some eye candies >.>.. and how come there were no hot guys sitting beside me on greyhound?! But instead, an old lady with runny nose. I offered her some tissue. Sigh

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I want..

Ehh I wanna make tiramisu or cheesecake if I have time..
Tiramisu recipe:

Cheesecake recipe:

They both look fudging delicious! I am droooling haha
I shall buy the ingredients soon mmm..

Today one of the patients brought us fruits (grapes, honey melon, pineapple, cherries and some other stuffs) and veggies (broccolli, bell pepper, cellery sticks, carrots) for snacks..
The honey melon was uber sweet! I loved it.
And the dip for the veggies was irresistable..I think it was a mexican dip. The bell peppers were uber sweet!
Everyone couldn't help grabbing seconds =P

"Getting Rid of Matthew"

I am reading this book called "Getting Rid of Matthew" by Jane Fallon. It is about this single middle-aged woman -- how she hates men who cheats on their wives and next thing you know she was the mistress of her boss (she was his secretary). She yearned that one day he would become her very own man. When that day finally came, she wasn't as excited as she anticipated to be. After living together for 3 days, she found little faults in him that she never found before when he came over to her flat. She hates how he snores at night and doesn't put up the toilet seat when he pees and whatnot. These little things were getting to her and she misses her old life. This man is a father of two and she doesn't want to deal with his baggage. This novel just shows how after living together, it gets the worst out of everyone. Every tiny little thing that you do can annoy your partner. When this annoyance accumulates, it will lead to fights and possibly breakup.

Umm, I am going to waterloo tmw :)
I shall go pack now!! Dang I still haven't found my transportation yet.
My last resource would be greyhound and I don't want that cause I have to bus all the way downtown first. POO!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wheels on the bus go round and round

When I am on the bus/subway whatever public transit..when you are down on those seats that face each other or the window. Ugh I don't know where to look at.
I find everything very awkward. I mean what if the person thinks I am looking at him/her?
I usually look at the empty windows diagonally from me.
Today, I brought a book with me. I was reading on the was alright in the beginning..
Until I feel like I was carsick..
Okay FMI _ never read on the bus ever again.
I felt like pregnant woman who wanted to puke = =

Monday, July 20, 2009

Nosy me

I was working last saturday at the clinic..
So this couple came in and I was on the phone with a lady. I couldn't hear clearly what they said when I was on the phone. I asked for their reason of their visit. They want to get a blood test. Because our clinic that day was walk-ins only, I wasn't sure if I can let them through or not. I paged the doctor and asked him (I was on the phone with him). He asked what the blood test was for. So I asked them what the blood test was for. The guy said they want to test for HIV and STD. Ugh, I kind of stuttered. The doctor said yeah it was okay and check them in.

After I checked them in and lead them into the room. Their demographics popped up on the screen. So I was just looking around and found out that the girl is the same age as me! Her birthdate was June 1990! OMIGAH! So I looked over at the guy's demographics..It read 1980.
EW I was thinking..they can't be having sex...can they?! Why are they testing for STD and HIV! All these question marks were runnign through my head. Anyways, their relationship and their reason for the visit to the clinic bothers me.

I was trying to think positive.. Maybe they didn't do it yet. Maybe they want to get checked..before they do it~ !! I hope it's that. LOL

Sigh are you for real..?!
I wouldn't go out with a 28 years old man = =

Girl X Boy

My uncle was giving me a pep talk about relationships when he was driving me back from work.
Anyhoo, how long the relationship lasts usually depends on the guy. No matter how many faults the girl finds in her guy, she still likes his companionship and she couldn't afford to loose that. On the other hand, it is really a matter of time how long the guy is willing to put up with the girl and their relationship.
If your guy is ready to settle down with you, great news for you. But most guys just want to have some fun, nothing too serious to cage him down.

Edit -------------------------------------------------
Okay, sometimes the girl doesn't want to put up with the guy either. She just bitches about her guy and tell him to change whatever. In some cases, she would use break ups to threaten him. However, deep down she does not want to break up with him cause she believes he will change for her. That is the difference between guys and girls. Guys rarely argue and make a fuss. They hide and accumulate their feelings. So when they break up with the girls, it may seem sudden to the girls. Girls would make a fuss out of everything all the time, but 9/10 it is really nothing.
Some girls do break up with their guys. And most of the times the guys would beg the girls to get back together again. The girls would give in and they are at it again. In short, the relationship isn't entirely chopped off. Whereas guys don't like to be "sore loosers". When they say they want to break up with you, it means gtfo and don't talk to me.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Shopping day

Today I was hunting for some mary jane heels and a cute cardigan. Instead I found this pair of really cool shoes!!.. and they were only $6.50 !

I got this grey cardigan..really normal looking, but that is what I wanted! :)
They were only $4.98 hehe

Okay my cell camera really sucks. It doens't do these things any justice..
Anyways I love finding bargains XD ..Oh yeah, I couldn't find the heels in the end. The ones there were too high for casual outings.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Being in a relationship is like playing tug-a-war with your significant half. You can't pull the rope too tightly because you would fall. You can't hold on too loosely because your partner would fall. So sometimes you hold on tightly and other times you let it loose -- it is finding that right balance that keeps the game going.
Everyone needs their personal space and freedom. If you are pulling the rope tightly, it is like you are trying way too hard in the relationship. You are not allowing yourselves to breathe. When you are in a relationship, it doesn't mean you have to be with each other every single day.
Let it loose and be laid back a little. Instead of getting sick being together all the time, you will be anticipating to have some time alone. You will find this freshness in your significant half.
But don't let the rope left dangling, you still have keep the war going. You also want to show that you care and not being so care less.
So really it is finding that right balance for long lasting relationships

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A random day at the Wasabi

I got off from Volunteer at 4 and called Carmen to see what's up with her and Victor. Uhhhh blahblahblah after some talking..we decided to go "Teen Yut" Jap Buffet around 6:00pm. When I was about to step into my house, Carmen called and they were coming over already!I was wearing my lovely new white heels today. They didn't hurt in the beginning..

Anyways..when we arrived at that Jap Buffet they told us it is fully booked and we can't go today DANG! We wanted to bus to another Jap Buffet..We were just waiting at the bus stop..So when the bus was arriving to the bus stop..Carmen said "Yo! The bus is here. Let's walk!"..Victor and I were thinking..walking to where?! WE ARE AT THE STOP, HONEY!

We used the leftover transfer..took the bus from Mccowan and Sheppard to Kennedy and Passmore..then we walked from there to Wasabi..OMG IT WAS A BRUTAL WALK FOR ME..rmb, I was in heels and it was a rocky path.. It feet hurt in the end ):

We ordered the usual stuffs. Victor didn't know what "full" was. Lol On our last call, Carmen ordered a rainbow roll (8pcs), one plate of seaweed salad, a bowl of miso soup, one takoyaki, and 5 sashimi pieces.. yes she ordered all that for herself! She tried to finish it, but there were 3 pieces from the rainbow roll left.. She was so full that she semi-puked?! I had a blast! I had red bean, green tea and mango ice cream. And two mango puddings for desserts <3

We were waiting for the bus home..and the clouds looked cool =D

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

@ Sunnybrook

I am at sunnybrook's edmond odette cancer centre right now.
Dang. the first appointment isn't until 1:45pm.. I was here at 1pm..
That is when I usually start volunteer.
Har. Their internet speed is pretty fast XD
Too bad I can't take pictures with my cell or I can show around
The cell signals may affect the equipments thats why we cant use them inside the hospital.

My coordinator came. I set up the medical beds and called patients in.


I jabbed my pinky =(
It got stuck on the stupid headrest lock when I was setting up.
@!#!@#%$%%&^% I can see dead blood vessels.. and it swelled a little >.>

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I hate..

CLIQUES. It is so f*cking annoying.
I hate how when you are inside a groupy..
you just have this natural thing to hate other groups.
It is SO $#%#$%#$%#..
I want to live as an individual..
I SO SEVERELY DISLIKE the groupy things..
Why can't we all chill together?
I think it is fun to meet new people, different people.
Sigh some just like to meet "certain types of people"..people of their own kinds.
They like to be in their safety bubble.
God the more I think about it..the more I hate the cliques idea.
I hate how people have to try so hard to fit in..that is just stupid.
I don't like it when people say.."aren't you hanging out with your groupy?"
What groupy?? I hang out with everyone. Seriosuly. I don't like these labels.
Cause when I try to call people out..They are like..nahhh I don't know them well..
Blah..We're not in the same group..
And I hate it when people plan certain activities just for certain type of people..
I can't believe this person original plan of going to the beach is for COUPLES ONLY.
SAY WHAT?! Are you saying singles can't go to the beach?
Wow I am so ticked off by that. I thought I suggested the idea of going to the beach..

Okay I am cooled down now. = =

My little shoe collection

Casual grey heels from Costa Blanca.. They are really comfy.

Smexy gladiator heels <33>

Omg I love these heels, but they are 11.5cm high. from Urban Planet.

I really like the shiny butterflies :)

Winter black boots.. omg they are the cutest boots on earth <3

Awesome pair of pro-looking black heels xD

The white heels I told my mom to get for me :D

Monday, July 13, 2009


I think I am too soft. I don't stand up for myself enough and people take advantage of that. I dont know..most of the times...I think I am a person who is really easy going and goes with the flow or you can say that I am a person with no opinion.. I guess that really sucks doesn't it? I don't knnow..sometimes when you don't give out your opinion it pisses people off?But I really don't care what the decision is..either one is fine with me!! Some people may say I am carefree..others say I am careless..

Mmm..I don't know..I am so confused..A part of me wants to change that..I don't like being taken advantage of.. I don't like people speaking on top of me.. I want people to hear me out too!
I think I'm just too shy for words.. Uhhh or maybe it is people anxiety..LOL

Is he really that into you?

If he says it is personality all that counts -- that is bullshit!
He has to find you pretty in some ways to go out with you (all males are like that).
They are visual animals, sigh.
But girls on the otherhand, they are finding someone who really understands them and treats them like princesses. Good looks are just bonuses.

Girls are looking for someone who they see can be with for a long time.
While guys, they just want to fool around and see what they can get.
Well, we all know the obvious..if he flirts with other girls or not giving his time to you..those are the signs that he may be falling out of love.
There is a saying that..if a guy says "I love you" more than 3 times a day that means he really loves you..of course he has to be consistent. Mmm..I don't know about might be all talk and no meaning to it.

How do you know if he is really into you.. Uh easy? When he puts you in front of everybody else including himself! Yes, some guys are selfish like that..He may love you, but he puts himself before you and you don't want that. It shows you aren't as important as you thought you were.
Also when you do something wrong..does he blame you or comfort you? Does he do romantic things without being told to? Is he willing to commit? His actions says it all!

Mmm..I've found many situations where everyhting started out through msn..
You guys would talk every night and maybe progress to phone or even hanging out!
In my opinion, guys are rotten to begin with. They are immature and don't knonw how to deal with relationships yet. They just want to have some fun. In some cases, the guy can be a sweet guy. But they are all rotten in the end. Needless to say.. either they break up with you or you cannot stand him anymore so you break up with him. BAD APPLES!

If the guy thinks you are easy to get, he will speed up the process faster aka to faster breakups.
You have to be interesting to let the guy keep going. Guys like to feel challenged. If you are getting boring, he'll move on to the next girl.

Guys move on faster than girls. That's because girls believe..maybe they can get back together again or be good friends and alwaysthink about the old times (DON'T THINK THAT WAY!)
Guys just don't want to deal with the mess anymore. They want you out of their lives..the situation is too sticky for them to handle because they are immature like that. Most cases, while he is out having fun, you are moping away at home.

Guys are different from girls. They don't get as attached as girls do. Mm..eventhough the guy was chasing after you and asking you out.. After going out for some time, he may be bored and is slowly falling out of love. Mmm..and girls, they slwoly fall in love! The girl is used to his belonging. However, he doesn't want to be there anymore. This is the worst case because now they are on different pages.

Now this is the time when the signs start to show.
- he doesn't answer your calls
- he wants to do other things other than being with you

If he is being a jerk than break up with him before he does to you!
He isn't worth your time anyways.


Don't get me wrong. There are good guys out there..but they are usually "not our types". As I said before good looks are jsut bonuses. So in this scenario..there is this really geeky guy who has no hygiene and this decent looking guy who is okay in every aspect and you talk to both guys. (The geeky guy isn't a romantic, but he will be a faithful boyfriend. The decent looking guy makes you laugh all the time, but he will break your heart in the end.) <-- girls don't know that. They just think both are great guys, but the decent looking guy got some bonuses. So they go out with the decent looking guy. The good guys are never chosen! Girls just get themselves hurt time after time.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Just some thoughts

Love? Doesn't that include trust? Then why people keep making rules for their partners?
Like the girl would say: Do no look at other girls. and the guy would say: Wear more clothes. You look like a slut. Okay I am just being generic over here..

I thought when we are in love: one of the major quality is your other half, no? Why are we making rules then? We should trust him that he knows where the bottom line is. If he really loves you, he would care for how you would feel and react to his actions. If he is off the track -- wow, that just shows how much he cares. And you can get over that guy in a second.

So why make so many rules? Insecurities. But along with these rules you're giving, you're also pushing him away. No one likes to be restrained. In another point of view, you would probably be sickened by how many don'ts and do's he's throwing out to you!

So just let the relationship flow on its own. If it doens't work out, it was just never meant to be. If it is a happy ending: then you've found your soulmate!

At work

I did wake up at 7:30am today and made it to the bus stop ! When I got to Major Mack and Leslie St. it started raining -- I didn't expect it to rain at was pretty hott. Anyways ate some random chinese breakfast at this restaurant before going to work. God it was like a 1hr thunderstorm? While I was setting up the computer stuffs..the power went off..the doctor said it was not safe to work in this environment (seeing patients and all)..he said wait for a few minutes and see what happens next..DAMN and right then the power came back. GOD how I wanted to go home and not work today.

Today started off quite busy.. Two doctors were in today: Dr. Albert Yeung and Dr. Shourky Hanna.. Dr. Yeung had the entire day booked and he looked awfully stressed!! OMG Dr. Hanna is entirely opposite of Dr. Yeung. The clinic starts at 10am and Dr. Hanna just walked in 11:15am??
and when the clinic was quiet...I was checking up on Dr. Hanna and I saw him playing minesweeper on the computer..while Dr. Yeung was filing away~
P.S:Dr. Hanna left early too..around 12:50pm??...hello, we close at 2pm!! and between his shift today..he even went to timmy's to grab a coffee!! Ha, Dr. Yeung always look so stressed and likes to take care of everything himself.
Okay secretly I was playing solitaire when I was free...XD

I hate the part where I have to bus home..bussing isn't bad, but I hate it when buses aren't on time and YRT is like 30mins/bus and it friggen pisses me off..I get off at 2pm and I get home at 4pm!! what is this?!


It is really finding the right person that counts -- and finding that right person is not easy most of the times. That person needs to accept you for who you are and love you for who you are because you are you. But at the same time you can find that he is influencing you slowly for the better. A healthy relationship always and should have you learning a good quality from that person. That person will slowly change you without you knowing it -- it is not forced! Well have you ever asked yourself why you are in the relationship and is it really worth it? If you can't learn ANYTHING from that relationship then what is the point? What is the point of being in the relationship if you are just keep giving and giving?

Personally, I think long distance relationships never work..from my personal experiences. Well yes the feeling does fade and it is really hard to keep everything going. I know couples want to still keep it together and just don't want to let go because they are used each other's camponionship. They always say they try to make it work and visit each other...give telephone calls and whatever. But it is just not the same -- you loose that close proximity between the both of you. Unless you establish a strong both before the departure then it may work. I think in the end, worse case worst the chemistry is just gone anyhow..there is no more infatuation involved..on a lighter note, the love most likely converted to passion..or a family-like love.

Well..if the couple does survive the long distance relationship that I mean, they can be close again. For example, they are both in the same city, area and whatnot ..which is like when we graduate from university..when everyone has settled down for the jobs. Then they can re-establish their relationship again.. But most couple doesn't survive through the torment from long D. That is the problem.

Like even married couples who haven't seen each other for a period of time would feel somewhat distant and not the same anymore. People change and it is not the same person we fell in love with anymore. After that realization, people who go their separate ways.

Anyways, it is 1am right now..I have to wake up 7:30am tmw because of my retarded job.
I will rant on this another time..

What it may seem

No, I haven't disappear..I am just really lazy and keeping updates..
I want to, but the drive just dies down sometime..I just can't sit still!

So my past posts were usually ranting..My life isn't as bad as I may make it sound like to be..
Here are few big events I did..

-Exercise with Carmen nonstop for a week
-Fireworks on Canada Day with Sandy, Cindy, Terry, Antonio and Daniel
and everybody semi-sleepovered at Antonio's
-Volunteer at Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Clinic
-Summerlicious with Qian, Carmen and Alice
-Metro Night Market with friends

out for 12 hours today.. my feet are killing me..

more details on the events listed..
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