
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Holiday Day 6

Skiing was so fun! You guys should've came. We went to a ski and snowboard centre in Toronto called Earl Bales..somewhere at Sheppard and Bathurst. Pretty close eh? The hill was steeper than I imagined! Shit..The first time I skiied down..I fell..=*( in pain!
And then I sucked it up and went again..and didn't fall the 2nd time around.. It was accelerating like mad yo. WTF we're like in the local area and they have places like these =_=
I could only skii down straight..and I don't even know how to turn or stop properly
Skiied down straight ahead..don't even know what I was thinking.. I think I was skiing faster than others cause I don't know how to control it properly at first
Went to practice how to do some turns at the bunny hill for a few times..
and finally challenge the steep hill again..
AHAHAH so funny.. everytime I did a turn, I fall.. I don't know why.. everytime I turn, I accelerate forward really fast and even when I fall.. I'm still sliding forward so dangerous!
A few times I did the turn, I almost hit the brick wall at the side.. Ohya I did crash into a tihn tree tho..and some twigs.. = =! Epic fail..I was like screaming "Antonio..I don't know how to stop..ahhhh its going faster" ahhha,,,antonio was just behind me..i think he fell himself too XD..
omg we're so funny..we were like falling our way down..and the thing is..we want to do the turns!..we wanna be pro like everyone least i do XD..
gosh i see 8 years old little boys and girls ski and snowboard better than i do..SAD!
Ohya...I finally mastered how to turn properly and not fall..
I hope I can rmb it for next time :)
AHHH so tired right now..
when I got back I found a green bruise on my left leg~

Monday, December 28, 2009

Holiday Day 5

Matthew, Jinyi, Daniel and I went to Harbourfront skating today. I didn't fall at all..!! So I'm pretty impressed by myself =D I still don't know how to stop properly tho hmmn.. and we met this old grandpa who was trying to teach us some tricks ha.
Was starving so we returned our skate and trying to find some hotdog stands. While we were returning skates, Daniel bumped into David and his friends. Ugh..I don't want to see him =___=..
Daniel offered us to see them..but I totally didn't want to and we walked off to get some food..
We ended up gettign subway~ I wanted italian sausage tho..haven't had those in a while..
I ordered a footlong sub~ I still had space for some sweets :D
anyways Daniel needed to go back to the rink and give one of the girls who was with Him..a christmas present..
Great what if I crash into him =_=.. Matthew brought us hiding in the restaurant while Daniel find his girl..
Daniel couldn't find we went out..and Matthew finally found that girl and Daniel gave his present away. weird one of His friends..knew me..but I don't know her..and I was labelled as His ex =__= EW why can't it be the other way around.. PFF

Oya saw timmy and his friends skating there too!

We walked around for a bit and went home~~
Christmas lights are purty :D
Uhhh I jsut woke up from a 2.5h nap
Watching District 9 right is so gory :*(

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holiday Day 4

I was too occupied to write a blog entry yesterday. I had an awesome feast last night yet again. I watched several movies before I slept. I loved Madagascar Escape 2 Africa!!! :D
Slept at 3-4am and my dad woke me up around 7am = =~
He wanted to go to futureshop..
anyways I couldn't find the 2.1 computer speakers I was looking for..maybe I'll just order it online. shipping for it is so expensive hmn..
Went to Vaughn Mills Shopping mall for boxing day shopping~~..shopped for hourss..
I bought 2 faux leather jackets~~ pretty happy with my purchases.
was gonna buy a real one from danier..but i didn't find the design that i like =*(
I couldn't find the same love-at-first-sight anymore =(
anyways totally burnt out today~
I asked dad to make some taro tong sui was delish!!! :D
we had a seafood feast~~ yumyum

PS: im only 5% away from my goal ...of achieving 50% winning rate in minesweepers LOL

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Lonely, Lonely Christmas. Merry, Merry Christmas.

My mom told me to clean up my I did. Guess what I found?
Ugh someone went over my pile of stuff that I put away that are related to my exes.
Including love letters. Gosh. How embarrassing having someone else read it =___='
Anyways I was just reading over them. Sigh~ the good sweet old days~
Whatever they wrote to me..the promises they made..all seemed like a lie.
The stuff I dug out made me think a little.
Haiiiii..i hate cleaning ~!!!!

Holiday Day 2

Ahhhh..woke up so late today..around 230pm?
I was planning to clean up my room and do some exercise..
ahhaha and then i procrastinated..and watched some youtube..
next thing i knew it was 5pm!!!..
so i took a really quick shower...
left the house at 530..
saw qian and jennifer on my way to stc..
everyone waited for kx for almost an hr!
we ate at some restaurant at little italy.
i loved the food esp my creme bruleee <3
went to some martini lounge bar place..
ordered a tequila shot and a martini
went home

i am shocked jennifer has a bf! haha its cute tho =) congratz hun!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holiday Day 1

Nancy finally picked up her cheque~..since September..Last few times I forgot to bring it back toronto..or that I didn't even come back to toronto at all.. But anyways that is that. Haven't seen her in awhile. She just came back and picked it up..she seemed like she was in a rush..

Ohya, sidenote, I love my new nail polish colour <3 ORANGE

Today we hung out at matt's place. AHah it was pretty fun! :)
I suck at rockband...MMM totally beatLESS..
..that's cause I don't like to follow the rules..and I like to be catched in surpise ;) ( so funny XD..)
We made curry chicken with carrots and potato! It was a decet meal :D Jin's terriyaki chicken was awesome too..but i find Matt's peas too sweet ahha..the cooking process was sO funny tho!
I loved caroling~ that was fun too XDDD..Matt's internet is an epic fail =_=! haha maybe cause we were in the basement..hmnnn
oya he drove us home later~ apprently he drives okay :P !
daniel's letter to everyone was very sweet!
and that is all. I don't feel like blogging right now~
playing minesweeeepers~

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

I downloaded this awhile ago and I'd like to share with you guys. It's a really good read, pretty pessimistic tho LOL
It's like every conclusion is that the guy isn't into you.

This was also turned into a movie! If you guys haven't watched it should :P

Monday, December 21, 2009

曹格-數到五答應我~ I wanna be your lover, don't wanna be your friend~

That day I got locked out of my apartment..I messaged a lot of ppl..and also messaged him. Everyone seemed so caring and KX even spared her studying time to help me. But his reply was "Sorry gotta study soon. ttyl". That killed me a little inside.

After talking on the phone with my friend the other night, she was right. If he doesn't care for me, why should I care for him? I'm really sick and tired of waiting because I was waiting all along.. Even though I "moved out of that phase", I still didn't completely let go. I always wondered about what could have happened and, what might happen, and what will happen.

我毀滅愛情 就算不甘心
只能欺騙自己 最後還是省省力氣
我們之間 朋友而已

It really sucks to wait for someone who you know won't like you back the same way you like him. I don't even want to talk to him anymore. Cause I know we're just friends, but I can't see him as a friend.

I thought there was a moment that we connected, but also likely that he connected with many other girls as well. I didn't think or want to believe that he was what people said he was. I have my doubts now.

Since I don't even matter to him at doesn't make any difference if he looses a friend like me. I guess it's a good thing that he has coop for winter term.. This gets me sometime to forget about him.

-The End -

Saturday, December 19, 2009


說不定﹐ 下一秒他已經把它給忘了一干二淨

Friday, December 18, 2009






我就像陷在愛情的slow sand裡


一個人 還是 兩個人




他們走的時候 也把我的笑容給帶走了


是的話﹐ 那我不要了

沒有了 愛 到底是怎樣


我離開之前﹐我們有hug goodbye。。

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Year 2009

To my ladies:

Year 2009 is ending soon. This semester I’ve made a lot of new friends. But I didn’t forget old friends either! I think “Your friends are all that matters in the end” is true because you guys make me smile a mile wide lol. Past few months have been hectic for me. Thanks for those for lent me their ears and listened to me complain. I’m glad I’ve met you guys. There are some things that I cannot forget.

"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though they know you are slightly cracked."

Even though everyone is at diffrent schools, and we haven't seen each other for a long time, you guys are still the best!!! haha. Can't wait for 23rd~ and see everyone again =) hehe. Only 9 days til christmas and 15 days til countdown. Lets go skating sometime, shall we? :)

Although everyone matured in some ways and have new friends to hang out with. I'm sure we all miss the high school times and that little "姑婆" is still inside us lol.

Can you believe it? We lived almost 20 years of our lives already. Time sure flies by fast. Only two more years and we're done university (hopefully).

I think Year 2010 will be an awesomeone one as well because I'll have you guys with me :D

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Anney is fat = Anney is stressed

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG so stresssseddd!!
I swear organic chemistry is the worst course on earth..even worse than physics..!!! I think half of the class maybe even gonna fail the final...or the course!!!!!
When he asks us clicker questions..the result is basically 25,25,25,25% bar graphs..
pretty saddddd..cause no one knows the answer...well only 25% of the class does..LOL

anyways by thhursday..
ill have a new hairdo~
i'll have tons of WHITE HAIRRRRRRRRRRRrrr..
i don't even need to dye it..omggggggggg

and when i stress, i eat, i get fat, i stress some more, i eat some more, i get fat some more and the list goes on

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Finals are here~

I'm studying Organic Chemistry right now..Blah
I don't understand it at all..
I hate this friggen thick..
and content is so confusing =*(((..

Back to studying now...sighhhhhhhh

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ms. Lonely

I think I am really annoying. I complain this to everyone. But thats who I am. I am a person who cannot hide her feelings. Anyone can read me like a book.

Today I was feeling down again. I did good. I didn't text him at all or message him or whatever. When i got home today around 5pm, he messaged me when I got online. C'mon. I'm in a healing process over here. Today my heart was set to do these certain things and now you're here to distract me. I replied back. But his replies afterwards were so cold. Why did you even bother to talk to me in the first place? Give me some time and leave me alone.

I'm happy I have friends around who care for me. Sometimes it feels like it is not enough because that is not what I want ultimately. I have given up on this mostly, but part of me is still lingering over there.

I've talked to this person..and she reminded me that this is merely an infatuation. I have to admit: it is true. I don't know what is wrong with me. Maybe I don't like the feeling of getting played.. Maybe I just wanted to be loved by anyone.. I wish it was that simple.

You guys question me what I saw in him. I seriously don't know. It is just a feeling. I hope this feeling could die off faster. Maybe it is not going away because part of me doesn't want it to die off.

Feeling alone - No one is here

"You lay there crying yourself to sleep, with no one there next to you.
Why do you wait and hope? What is it that keeps you here?
Talking to an empty bed, an empty room, an empty house.
Not understanding where we've gone wrong.
Drifting so far apart, it's hard to see.
Too close to eech other some might say, loosing the way I perceive.
Pain, hurt and love all mixed into one.
This lonely heart is aching."

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