
Sunday, January 24, 2010

WSC - Beginner's Day

I went snowboarding with WSC yesterday! I really enjoyed it, despite the countless falls. Wow, I should've snowboarded earlier!! It was SO fun =D
I'm planning to go to the snowboard shop sometime next week. I wanna buy a super bright snowboard jacket and fit in with other boarders haha~
Oh and so that they can find me easily when I get lost~
OOOOh planning to go back to chicopee again next next week!

When we're about to get off the bus.. I couldn't even stand up properly to get off..= = SAD
Woke up today, I feel like I was paralyzed or something haha
Even when I sit my tush hurts >_<
Luckily I didn't get any bruises!
It was a worthwhile experience indeed. I'll snowboard every year now =DDD.. no more skiing HAHA...

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