
Sunday, January 24, 2010


Aiyah, I can't decide whether I wanna go to CASA party even at Fed Hall or not.
I have no one to go with.. Well I kinda do.. But I don't really talk to him that much
I think he wants me to be his wingwoman LOL
Meh..I don't know..
Do I wanna drink? Do I wanna walk in the cold in a dress and heels? Hmmmn..

Oh yeah, Jing asked me to watch Sherlock Holmes with him on Wed..
Not that big of a fan of Sherlock Holmes.. Is the movie long? Maybe I'll fall asleep LOL
Uhhh maybe i'll drag cheryl along.. she wanted to watch sherlock holmes since forever..
but I keep bailing out >_<

I almost forgot.. I think I said something about going to Kzone next week..
Wow so fucking busy next week.. I didn't even realize it..

Mon - Physio psych midterm / Psych lab / study for Human physio midterm / FOCUS meeting
Tues - Study for human physio / Thermodynamics assign. / Human physio lab
Wed - Human physio midterm / Movie with jing or Kzone? / laundry (no more pants to wear)
Thurs - CIF exercise / Grocery shopping / Kzone?
Fri - CIF exercise / clean apartment /visit from them?

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