
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I have to admit..

I am an attention whore..I think? I don't know.. the attention I get makes me feel secure..
that I don't feel like I'm alone.. or invisible? No clue.
it's always about me me me..
and maybe sometimes about you, but mostly me lol

I find that..
when people come to me and rant about their problems..
I do listen..
in a way I don't listen?
I still give my inputs and stuff..
but that's not what they want I don't think..
they want somebody who can just LISTENS to THEM and THEIR problems..

My friend was just ranting about his problems and such..
and I was giving my opinions and all..
In the end, he's still wishy washy about it..
But I think deep inside, he already has his answer..
Sigh sometimes I wish I could just shut up and listen to people
I talk too much =_=
The more I say the more wrongs I make LOL..

..I should be hardcore studying for tmw's cognitive psychology right now..
somehow I don't feel so motivated as last week..
need to find that drive back =(

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