
Sunday, January 31, 2010


Been watching basketball games lately~
It's so intense!!
Last game raptors almost lost to knicks! Raptors were only up by 1 point.
But they're doing pretty good so far. It's their 5th consecutive win~
Today's game was with indianna pacers..
At first pacers were down by 14 points.. then they slowly caught up!
to 97-97..
but raptors pwned them in 4th quarter..
and won with 117 - 102 :)
Omg I wanna watch bball game on tv or @ ACC..
someone bring me there!!!..
treat me w/ nice seats :) LOL

Thursday, January 28, 2010

'Nuff said

3 strikes and you're out.

you striked 4 times.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fuck you

Fuck you and your unattained promises..

Fuck this.

I'm mad at you.

But I'm mad at myself more believing something was about to change.
Believing that I might be......... I was wrong.

I hate myself for being so sluggish.
I don't like my position that I'm in.
in no position.

Whatever you say to me may mean nothing to you, but even a word from you meant something to me.

I oughta stop believing your words.
Cause none of them were true.

甜言蜜語 = 油腔滑調

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

安静了 - S.H.E.

夢想中 屬於我們的婚禮
卻成了 單人結婚進行曲
在這場愛情腳裡的拔河裡 愛我還是愛你

撒嬌的 可愛的 女人的 愛哭的
照片裡 曾經的都是你喜歡的
如今我還在原地 你卻走回你的記憶
你說我愛你太多 就快要把你淹沒
分開是一種解脫 讓你好好的想我
我想要的那片天空 你是不是能夠給我

你說我給你太多 卻不能給我什麼

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Aiyah, I can't decide whether I wanna go to CASA party even at Fed Hall or not.
I have no one to go with.. Well I kinda do.. But I don't really talk to him that much
I think he wants me to be his wingwoman LOL
Meh..I don't know..
Do I wanna drink? Do I wanna walk in the cold in a dress and heels? Hmmmn..

Oh yeah, Jing asked me to watch Sherlock Holmes with him on Wed..
Not that big of a fan of Sherlock Holmes.. Is the movie long? Maybe I'll fall asleep LOL
Uhhh maybe i'll drag cheryl along.. she wanted to watch sherlock holmes since forever..
but I keep bailing out >_<

I almost forgot.. I think I said something about going to Kzone next week..
Wow so fucking busy next week.. I didn't even realize it..

Mon - Physio psych midterm / Psych lab / study for Human physio midterm / FOCUS meeting
Tues - Study for human physio / Thermodynamics assign. / Human physio lab
Wed - Human physio midterm / Movie with jing or Kzone? / laundry (no more pants to wear)
Thurs - CIF exercise / Grocery shopping / Kzone?
Fri - CIF exercise / clean apartment /visit from them?

WSC - Beginner's Day

I went snowboarding with WSC yesterday! I really enjoyed it, despite the countless falls. Wow, I should've snowboarded earlier!! It was SO fun =D
I'm planning to go to the snowboard shop sometime next week. I wanna buy a super bright snowboard jacket and fit in with other boarders haha~
Oh and so that they can find me easily when I get lost~
OOOOh planning to go back to chicopee again next next week!

When we're about to get off the bus.. I couldn't even stand up properly to get off..= = SAD
Woke up today, I feel like I was paralyzed or something haha
Even when I sit my tush hurts >_<
Luckily I didn't get any bruises!
It was a worthwhile experience indeed. I'll snowboard every year now =DDD.. no more skiing HAHA...







Thursday, January 21, 2010

i wish

i wish i was cooler~

i think my friends are better than me in all aspects T_T

again, i feel like i'm not good enough

is it jealousy or simply admiration?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I have to admit..

I am an attention whore..I think? I don't know.. the attention I get makes me feel secure..
that I don't feel like I'm alone.. or invisible? No clue.
it's always about me me me..
and maybe sometimes about you, but mostly me lol

I find that..
when people come to me and rant about their problems..
I do listen..
in a way I don't listen?
I still give my inputs and stuff..
but that's not what they want I don't think..
they want somebody who can just LISTENS to THEM and THEIR problems..

My friend was just ranting about his problems and such..
and I was giving my opinions and all..
In the end, he's still wishy washy about it..
But I think deep inside, he already has his answer..
Sigh sometimes I wish I could just shut up and listen to people
I talk too much =_=
The more I say the more wrongs I make LOL..

..I should be hardcore studying for tmw's cognitive psychology right now..
somehow I don't feel so motivated as last week..
need to find that drive back =(

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Okay wtf???? my wisdom tooth is growing out!!!! I hate the dentist or whoever..
I don't wanna see him!! :( So scary...
I never had my tooth pulled out before...
they just fall out by themselvesss..
eventho im not experiencing any pain from it or anything..
the day will come...........~

Monday, January 18, 2010


Typed: 1/18/10
嘗試多一點不同的東西﹐cause you'll never know if you're good at it.


Do whatever you must do now until you can do whatever you want later.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I do think too much

I think too much about unnecessary things..
Those who don't me well enough might think I'm an happy-all-the-time person..
But seriously, I'm not. I guess I like to pretend that my problems aren't there most of the times so I don't think about it..
and when I do think about it.. It just goes downhill from there..
I think about what should've happened, might've happened..could've happened..
and maybe all of this is my fault.. I'm not good enough..
Also sometimes I take people's comments personally..
even though I know they are just joking..
and I think about that too.. why would they say that.. do they really meant it?
I think I cry about many things..
I can't hold my tears..
I cry when I feel lonely
I cry when I feel helpless
I cry when I feel hopeless..
I cry when I feel like I want to give up..
I cried so many times..
I think I cry more as I get older..
It's weird..
Sometimes I cry for the sake of crying..
I just want to cry..
or think about sad stuff..
and cry about that..
=__= wtf?
I don't wanna dwell in this emoness =***(
or maybe I do..
gahhh~ why am I so complicated?!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So good everyone is on co-op except me! :(
I'm so lonely, I have nobody for all my own~
I just watched a video and I'm so motivated ..once again
I wanna earn some money this term~ So broke lately
I think I should start saving my money and stop spending so much~
I wanna buy a house of my own before I'm 30
is that possible? lol

If possible this term:
- boost gpa
- get REALLY involved in wsc <3
- get a job and save some money
- study for pcat again
- knit more scarves
- grow longer nails
- cook new recipes

Mmm I feel like my goals are so short termed..but that's just for now :)
it's all goooD~!

and I miss you all who's on co-op right now! :*(


I feel so positive, so motivated!


I'm so psyched and pumped! My day can't get any better =)

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I barely tried last term..
Well I did in the beginning..
But it just went downhill..
cause I kept clubbing, partying and drinking.
Good thing I have great friends to depend on. and they are smart too HAHA <3
and I think I'm not that dumb either
I passed the courses with average marks =_=
so if I tried..then maybe I'll ace them LOL
my goal this term is to NERD ALL THE WAY
and snowboard =D


之前 聽到他跟某某人已經在一起有一段時間了
一想 難道當初真的是我個人的問題嗎
一直在我低潮的時候﹐ 遇到這些爛人

Love Blindness

"Love is Blind" -- I don't believe in that. I don't believe love is blind. I believe we choose to be blind when we're in love.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The upcoming holiday

Today I went to dollarama to buy a stapler..and when i got in..
they stocked up all the valentine's day stuff.
Gosh I hate valentine's day =_=
they should make a singles' day~
Valentine's day makes me think..
why am i by myself and no one is celebrating it with me >:(
valentine's day sucks! i'll prolly hideout in my bed lol
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