
Monday, November 14, 2011

How to stop uncontrollable cravings

Lately, I've been craving for BK a lot. Their King's Deals are too appealing, especially when they are only 5 minutes away!! I've gained so much weight this month - it's kinda scaring me. I should probably stop looking at so much delicious food pictures and videos at night, haha.

I was reading this article and it suggested that we need to learn the difference between emotional and physical hunger. 

As well, eating small frequent meals helped me in the past to overcome this issue. But right now, I'm in relaspe =_=.

Drink plenty of water was also suggested by the article. I do drink a lot of water.. MAYBE too much Lol (8 bottles a day? I pee like crazy tho)

Definitely cut down on the carbs and add more fiber rich veggies to your meal! Well.. I love my meals with rice or noodles.. so this was kinda hard for me :(

Researchers stated that chewing slowly allows the brain to process the signal that your stomach is full.

I hope I can remember these notes when I chow down my meal D:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Anney's Kitchen Part 3

This is my first time making caramel egg pudding..
It turned out alright.. could've been better since I used a cup instead of a ramekin.

As well, I forgot to smear butter before putting the content inside the cup, so it was kind of difficult getting the pudding out. Some of the caramel was still stuck at the bottom -___-"

I followed cookingwiththedog's youtube tutorial. It was super easy to follow :)


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Halloween Party 2011

For this year's Halloween, I joined Raymond's friends clubbing event at Live. Live was alright... but I like Wetbar more. It was like a semi high school reunion~ Cora came too! And I'm glad Ata joined us too, it was a chill night hehe XD

Yayy!! My wig and geisha costume finally arrived.. I was kinda scared it wouldn't arrive on time =/ I bought it off ebay for like $12 for wig and $8 for kimono includes shipping, haha. I look kinda ridiculous, I love it! :) Kinda disappointed with the quality tho, looks pretty fake under bright lighting. Oh wells, it's just a part of my halloween costume anyways. 

Before Makeup

My mom did my makeup since I'm such a noob..

After Makeup

Here are my past party costumes :D

I was supposed to be a rocker.. But people mistaken me as a naughty teacher LMAO

GI Joe & Army Hoes costume.. Turned out pretty nice =)

I was supposed to be a leopard.. But people mistaken me as a cat =_=


Friday, November 11, 2011

Anney's Kitchen Part 2

Here are some single serving portion meals I've made during the past few weeks:

Dinner: Mapo tofu served with broccoli and rice

 Lunch: Stir-fry spinach and mushroom udon served with braised egg

Dinner: Braised chicken wings and cabbages, steamed egg with mushrooms

Dinner: Italian sausages rotini in black pepper sauce with corn and snow peas

 Breakfast: caesars salad, grilled italian sausages, raisin bagel and a cup of milk

Dinner: Stir-fry pork, chinese vegetables, scrambled egg served with rice

Dinner: Sweet and sour short pork ribs, chinese vegetables served with rice

Lunch: Chinese veggies, fishballs, mushroom in instant ramen

Breakfast: Ham filled Taiwanese omelet drizzled with oyster sauce and hot sauce

Dinner: Braised fishballs and mushroom served with chinese veggies and rice

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Anney's Kitchen Part 1

At first, I wanted to make a version of oyakodon. But I was craving for some cheese as well.. and viola! FUSION~~ Japanese egg fried rice with melted cheese (broccoli, mushrooms, bell peppers, and fishballs)! 
It was delicious :)

The other night I was really craving for stuffed bell peppers.. I didn't find a particular recipe online that I liked, so I just went with whatever. I marinated the minced pork with garlic, soy sauce, pepper and salt. It turned out great! Of course, a meal isn't complete without veggies `~~ ^^


Friday, October 14, 2011

La Cafe Michi

 I've been urbanspooning a lot and addicted to Japanese food (non-sushi buffet) recently. Thank you Raymond for bringing me there! I was starving that day haha. Heard some good reviews for their unatama and green tea cake!

Shirley ordered: Seafood Hotpot Udon! I think Watami's had more variety in toppings, but this still looks delicious.
Seafood Hotpot Udon

Raymond was going to order Chicken terriyaki combo, but I commented that it was too plain and the chicken tama(egg) rice would be better. Unfortunately, we forgot to tell them to leave out the onions!

Chicken Egg Rice
YUM! I ordered the unatama combo! That's the reason I came here for, hehe :) This dish was delicious, but the picture looks more filling than it is.

Unatama (Eel Egg Rice)
Onto desserts..

Raymond ordered the hazelnut cake. It was like coffee(i think) mousse with some hazelnut crumbs and sponge cake base. 

Hazelnut Cake
Ah.. their famous green tea cake! I was really excited about it since it has green tea and red bean mousse. It wasn't as phenomenal as I expected it to be. Maybe because I tried it after the bailey's cheesecake and hazelnut cake, the green tea cake's taste wasn't as strong in comparison.

Green Tea Cake
 Shirley got the bailey's cheesecake. Personally, I think there are better cheesecake out there. This one tasted pretty normal like a New York cheesecake. Though I do like how they didn't overdo the cream cheese. Some cafes make the cheesecake wayyy too cheesey.

Bailey's Cheesecake
So yeah.. with each lunch combo comes with a cake for around $15~$18 which is pretty decent. My unatama combo came with miso soup and japanese garden salad :) Oh yeah, I also wanted to try their famous green tea creme brulee..
It was really delicious!

Green Tea Creme Brulee
I definitely would like to come back with the girlies someday. I think they would really enjoy it :)

Le Cafe Michi on Urbanspoon

Monday, October 10, 2011

What a week?!

2 weeks ago, I woke up with minor shin pain - my lower shin area was tense. I didn't care much about it and hoped it would go away. 5 days has passed and it progressed up to my knee. It hurts when I walk/sit/do nothing. My muscles felt inflamed and I felt little bumps on my medial shim.

Raymond finally convinced me to see a walk-in doctor. I was planning to see the campus doctor, but they said they don't have any openings that day. Therefore, I went to see the walk-in doctor at the plaza. Luckily, I only waited for 20 mins.

It was weird at first since the nurse asked me to get my urine sample out of no reason? Anyways, I talked to Dr. Flowitt and she diagnosed it as "Shin Splints". The possible causes for this could be wearing improper shoes or excessive exercise. I'd assume it would be my boots. She prescribed me some anti-inflammatory pills.

That night I microwaved my leftovers(tomato pasta) from 3 days ago and took my pills after that. One hour later, my stomach started to burnnnnnn. I googled the symptoms and people say it is gastric/acid reflux which is basically your stomach acid trying to go backwards on your food tract - not good.

I feel like puking and it was hard to swallow. Bad bad experience. I think if it were to be more serious.. I could get uclers. Poop.

I waited for a few days and am still waiting for it to go away.. It's starting to feel better, but I'm still not pooping regularly.

Meanwhile this whole time, I was craving for japanese bento food like crazy. Thanks Sandy for accompanying me to Watami. I had a great first experience, so I wanted to go back and try their other foods. She ordered seafood udon and I opted for the chicken terriyaki combo. My food was not worth for what it is priced. The portion was wayyy too small for what it is priced ($16.95). Watami tasted better when I went with Ata and Mich. Maybe they changed the owner? I wouldn't want to go back again.

Btw, I lost weight since school started which was weird to me. I've been eating out and eating fatty foods like no tomorrow.

Crabby Joe's with Cheryl and Karen

Cheryl & Karenbaby

First time hanging out with them since fall term started. School has been such a bitch to us =( Hopefully.. It'll get better after midterms! I miss you girls!

We had dinner at Crabby Joe's. We opted for their Tuesday Wings special which was like 39cents/wings + a drink purchase. Drinks are priced reasonably, $2.69 for a soft drink and $4ish for beer? We wings + fries for 5.99! It was truly filling. I liked their combo better than Morty's because they gave us the option of getting a side. Plus, I like them smaller because it is easier to put in the mouth - that's what she said.

Next time, I definitely want to try their after 9pm half price appetizers. Their loaded cheese fries and nachos looks amazing (for only $5 each).

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm celebrating Thanksgiving by myself at Waterpoooo~~

Definitely need more time to study.

雖然我沒有火雞大餐, 可是我有媽媽的愛心便當的陪伴 ..謝啦! :)

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!

I love presentsssss

Thanks for the love card and present :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Potluck with my girlies

Yippeeee ~Our girlie gatherings always revolve around food and I LOVE that :P
One of our famous gathering themes is pot luck!

Pasta salad made by me ~~ I love pasta salad! Can't go wrong with that hehe
Cheese scones (very very filling) and garden salad made by Carmen
Hot jalapeno peppers filled with minced pork - made by Qian (yummy, but not spicy anymore since she took out all the pepper seeds haha)

Ice milk & cake(?I don't remember) - made by Eva

and decorative cupcakes - made by Wendy

A game of Life while having ITIS~~

NOMNOMNOM with zeh girlies is always fun :)

Happy One Year!

This is our first picture taken together one year ago, Oct 8, 2010.
Blah... And since from that day onwards I've been gaining weight :'(

ANYHOO... Happy One Year dinky poop :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Summer Cottage Trip 2011

This summer I went to Blue Mountain with Raymond and his friends for cottage trip. The prep for it was a bitch, but it was a fun weekend :)

One word. Tanned.

Eating with Ata and Mich @ Loo

Watami's unagi don~` The fried rice was yum in my tum :3

Ata and I went to Vincenzo's and I ended up buying 3 cakes hehe XD

3 Piggys @ Bauer's Kitchen!

... and more food adventures to come~~~~
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