
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Halloween Party 2011

For this year's Halloween, I joined Raymond's friends clubbing event at Live. Live was alright... but I like Wetbar more. It was like a semi high school reunion~ Cora came too! And I'm glad Ata joined us too, it was a chill night hehe XD

Yayy!! My wig and geisha costume finally arrived.. I was kinda scared it wouldn't arrive on time =/ I bought it off ebay for like $12 for wig and $8 for kimono includes shipping, haha. I look kinda ridiculous, I love it! :) Kinda disappointed with the quality tho, looks pretty fake under bright lighting. Oh wells, it's just a part of my halloween costume anyways. 

Before Makeup

My mom did my makeup since I'm such a noob..

After Makeup

Here are my past party costumes :D

I was supposed to be a rocker.. But people mistaken me as a naughty teacher LMAO

GI Joe & Army Hoes costume.. Turned out pretty nice =)

I was supposed to be a leopard.. But people mistaken me as a cat =_=


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