
Monday, November 14, 2011

How to stop uncontrollable cravings

Lately, I've been craving for BK a lot. Their King's Deals are too appealing, especially when they are only 5 minutes away!! I've gained so much weight this month - it's kinda scaring me. I should probably stop looking at so much delicious food pictures and videos at night, haha.

I was reading this article and it suggested that we need to learn the difference between emotional and physical hunger. 

As well, eating small frequent meals helped me in the past to overcome this issue. But right now, I'm in relaspe =_=.

Drink plenty of water was also suggested by the article. I do drink a lot of water.. MAYBE too much Lol (8 bottles a day? I pee like crazy tho)

Definitely cut down on the carbs and add more fiber rich veggies to your meal! Well.. I love my meals with rice or noodles.. so this was kinda hard for me :(

Researchers stated that chewing slowly allows the brain to process the signal that your stomach is full.

I hope I can remember these notes when I chow down my meal D:

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