
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Oh no

I feel like i ruined my throat LOl.. i sing worst than before.. DAMN
I think I yelled too much.
and I drank too much :(

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Laugh because you are happy or happy because you are laughing?

I've always been trying to figure out what is missing in my life. I thought happiness would come around for me. I never thought how everything would end in their ways. I felt like I had a good grasp, but apparently it slipped through my hands once, twice, and thrice. Each time, people would tell me the next one would be better. I felt like I am climbing a never ending staircase.. believing that there will be an exit.

Since little, we are told to be successful in life. In order to do so, you have to be at the peak of the mountain. We've been trying to get to the peak.. every step we take, we think this is it -- we've reached the peak. Unfortunately, it is like a endless path..there is a higher peak after this, and a higher peak after that and it goes on. It is like a punishment. No matter how hard we try, we'll never reach it. It is like Sisyphus.

"In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was a king punished in Tartarus by being cursed to roll a boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this throughout eternity." - Wiki

It is rewarding to have a goal, to aim for something beyond. But it is also a punishment that you can never reach it.

The perfect life. What is that?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Real people

People who are willing to stick out for you when you really need them is hard to find.
I think it's even harder to find them in University. I'm happy that I've met a really close bunch of people in High School and I don't think I can find any replacements of them.
For me there are four types of friends: Friends that I can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING with, study buddy friends, friends who I can talk to and friends who I can hang out and chill, but not close enough to tell them what I think.

I have quite a few study buddy friends. They are just there for homework help and etc. I can't see them as friends that I want to party with. The fun chemistry isn't there. It's not that I can't act stupid around them, it is that I chose not to. I don't feel like it.

I have a lot of friends who I can hang out and chill with. But of course, there are some I choose to hang out more than others. They are fun having around. Would they really stick out for me when I need them? Do they really care if I'm sad or just simply tell me to get over with it?

There are few friends that I can talk to. I tell them everything. But they are just there for mental support. They are really good friends. Besides that we have a different lifestyle.

I love my besties because they are all that combined. I don't think I have settled with one bestfriend in my entire life. I think I have several bestfriends because they are equally important to me. I think they would be the only one who will really put their words into actions for me. Meeting people like that is hard. It just happens and I cherish them very much.

I was at Dorie's birthday party at K-ZONE. Looking at her having fun with friends that she's only semi-close with.. is kinda depressing. Some people came out just because they want to party. Some people came out just because they want to drink. Some people came out because they want to meet girls.

She was quite drunk last night and sadly her guy friends took advantage of her. I wonder if they are even considered as friends. Meh, I don't want to have friends that would treat me like that. I don't think they would be real to me. They are good party friends.. I guess.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Why do I think so much? Maybe it's spring and my hormones are working up? I get so emotional lately that it's eating me alive.

I'm so grateful of my friends. They are so considerate to me :'(
I'll remember this 'til the day I hit my coffin.
They are so mature compared to me. They think about everything.. where as I don't think! = =
I don't think I can ever find any replacements..

So touching. Sigh So touched that I was in tears tonight.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010



Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Obstacles in Life

Throughout our lives, we encounter some obstacles that distract us from our goals. Whether it is eating a midnight snack when you're on a diet or can't afford loosing your beloved. The obstacles are everywhere. However, you choose how you want to view it.

An obstacle is more like a challenge put in front of us . Do you see an obstacle with fear and hesitation or an opportunity to overcome a challenge?

An obstacle is an opportunity for us to prove that we can handle this challenge. We have the power to handling the situation. Our frame of mind and thoughts are very powerful. Obstacles allow you to see the reality. A chance to stay focus and make the right decisions.

What we go through are not the problems, it is how we react to the situation determines how we feel. Certain circumstances make us become more open-minded and accept resources that will help us and be able to adapt to change.

So don't let obstacles hold you down, instead use it to help you stay focus and strong.

Monday, March 8, 2010


I've finally talked things out with him my sober state. I'm pretty selfish because whatever I did was what I wanted. I neglected how he felt. Despite my constant pestering, he still took his patience with me. Other than my really close friends (you know who you are), I think he really cares how I feel. He doesn't say anything to me before, but my friends tell me how concern he is about me. I know I reminded him of the unwanted past, I feel really bad for doing that. There's too many things in life to worry about. Our life is too short to even bother with those. I just want to let things cool down. He has his life and I have mine.

Live. Laugh. Love.

It is never too late to realize who truly cares for you.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


"Girls are like cell phones, they like to be held and talked to, but press the wrong button and you're disconnected. Guys are like buses. If you miss that one, another will be along soon. "

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


今天看完了就想賴著你 - 有初戀的fuu~哦!
我的桃花快來了!! 開心 :)
Feels like the season of love!
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