
Sunday, February 7, 2010

What's on my mind?

I don't like him anymore, so I shouldn't even care what he's up to now. Whatever my friend said was right. Who cares, huh? It is weird.. I used to like to complain and whine a lot about these things to people.. I think I've grown out of it.. not in a way I would like it to be tho.
I don't know why, but I feel slightly uncomfortable when talking about him. But I don't like him anymore so why would I feel uncomfortable, right? I know it's weird. I'm weird lol

Yesterday I woke up with a really bad dream.. It was about him. Was my subconscious telling me that I still care or haven't moved on yet? I think I have tho. It's been so long. Plus he is not the same person anymore either. There shouldn't be any feelings lingering on. Yes I'm trying to rationalize so that I can feel better for myself.

And there is also him. He doesn't even give a shit about me. Sigh..what the hell am I doing?

The thought of Valentine's day scares me. I don't like the feeling of being alone in general. The celebration of Valentine's day makes me feel more alone than I already am. They will have a lovely time together. I, on the other hand, is single and to spend the day by myself. The other him is probably too busy with his sports or hanging out with his friends. Why does it take me forever to move on? Maybe I should see some counselor or something. I mean I can't even handle these little situations. What if one day I'm divorced? How am I going to react LOL sorry my imagination just ran wild on its own :)

Ha. Karen just told me that her ex-crush asked if they still have a chance. She gave him an absolute NO. I'm very proud of you and admire your clear-headedness. I think I lack independence lol.

Yesterday I was out the entire day. First I went snowboarding. At first.. I still have undesired thoughts on my mind. But snowboarding down hill made me feel like everything has flown off my shoulders. I felt so much lighter in a way. After snowboarding.. I was going to meet up with Yunyi at Sweet Dreams. Jing came along cause he wanted to get bubble tea.

Anyways, out of coincidence, I encountered Yu-Jeong, Uni, and their guy friend. It was kinda awkward in a way. It's like.. I'm not really close with any of them.. But we're hanging out together. Later Yunyi and Jing's friend came and joined us. So it was 4 group of random people hanging out together lol.

It was pretty fun.. Get to know each of them better :)
Met two new people.. Didn't catch their names/numbers correctly. lol..
Maybe I'll see them sometime again.

I felt pretty good yesterday.. Not having to think of guy-related stuff.
I like having people around me. I like my attention. I like hanging out with people and not thinking about unnesscary things.

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