
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Moxie's Dinner

What a cutepie!!
Can you see what's wrong with this picture? Lol, funnies :)

why you so handsome?!
I think Raymond is crazy. Now every time he has semi-formal events, he wears this outfit I bought for him for Christmas =_=!

Chicken Oscar
For our Christmas high school girl's gathering, we decided to host it at Moxie's Classic Bar and Grill located at Scarborough Town Centre. I think we chose it because of the location. I haven't been to Moxie's for half a year, but  experience last tinme was alright. I thought the food wasn't worth the price though.

Our entire group (I think 16 ppl in total) waited for an hr or maybe even longer before seating even though we made reservations. We got compensated with 2 bowls of nachos appetizers.. Dinner was fun, but the food was wayyyy too salty. Everyone had at least 2 cups of water. The chicken was over grilled and dry. Everything on the plate was blasted with salt except for bok choy. I think with $25-30 meal, I can eat AYCE japanese food or add a few more dollars and I can go to Lobster Trap! I don't think I'll be heading back to Moxie's anytime soon.

I likes my outfits :3
Moxie's Classic Grill on Urbanspoon

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