
Monday, November 14, 2011

How to stop uncontrollable cravings

Lately, I've been craving for BK a lot. Their King's Deals are too appealing, especially when they are only 5 minutes away!! I've gained so much weight this month - it's kinda scaring me. I should probably stop looking at so much delicious food pictures and videos at night, haha.

I was reading this article and it suggested that we need to learn the difference between emotional and physical hunger. 

As well, eating small frequent meals helped me in the past to overcome this issue. But right now, I'm in relaspe =_=.

Drink plenty of water was also suggested by the article. I do drink a lot of water.. MAYBE too much Lol (8 bottles a day? I pee like crazy tho)

Definitely cut down on the carbs and add more fiber rich veggies to your meal! Well.. I love my meals with rice or noodles.. so this was kinda hard for me :(

Researchers stated that chewing slowly allows the brain to process the signal that your stomach is full.

I hope I can remember these notes when I chow down my meal D:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Anney's Kitchen Part 3

This is my first time making caramel egg pudding..
It turned out alright.. could've been better since I used a cup instead of a ramekin.

As well, I forgot to smear butter before putting the content inside the cup, so it was kind of difficult getting the pudding out. Some of the caramel was still stuck at the bottom -___-"

I followed cookingwiththedog's youtube tutorial. It was super easy to follow :)


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Halloween Party 2011

For this year's Halloween, I joined Raymond's friends clubbing event at Live. Live was alright... but I like Wetbar more. It was like a semi high school reunion~ Cora came too! And I'm glad Ata joined us too, it was a chill night hehe XD

Yayy!! My wig and geisha costume finally arrived.. I was kinda scared it wouldn't arrive on time =/ I bought it off ebay for like $12 for wig and $8 for kimono includes shipping, haha. I look kinda ridiculous, I love it! :) Kinda disappointed with the quality tho, looks pretty fake under bright lighting. Oh wells, it's just a part of my halloween costume anyways. 

Before Makeup

My mom did my makeup since I'm such a noob..

After Makeup

Here are my past party costumes :D

I was supposed to be a rocker.. But people mistaken me as a naughty teacher LMAO

GI Joe & Army Hoes costume.. Turned out pretty nice =)

I was supposed to be a leopard.. But people mistaken me as a cat =_=


Friday, November 11, 2011

Anney's Kitchen Part 2

Here are some single serving portion meals I've made during the past few weeks:

Dinner: Mapo tofu served with broccoli and rice

 Lunch: Stir-fry spinach and mushroom udon served with braised egg

Dinner: Braised chicken wings and cabbages, steamed egg with mushrooms

Dinner: Italian sausages rotini in black pepper sauce with corn and snow peas

 Breakfast: caesars salad, grilled italian sausages, raisin bagel and a cup of milk

Dinner: Stir-fry pork, chinese vegetables, scrambled egg served with rice

Dinner: Sweet and sour short pork ribs, chinese vegetables served with rice

Lunch: Chinese veggies, fishballs, mushroom in instant ramen

Breakfast: Ham filled Taiwanese omelet drizzled with oyster sauce and hot sauce

Dinner: Braised fishballs and mushroom served with chinese veggies and rice

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