
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Summer BBQ at Milliken Park

Finally met up with Daniel, Antonio, Cindy, and Terry's group. We should have hung out more during the summer, but I just got caught up with a bunch of errands.

I thought I was late that day, but apparently Raymond and I were the first to arrive. Antonio (creator of the event) was MIA for the longest time, boo.

It was a nice treat to get updates from everyone. It sure feels like high school all over again -seeing all the familiar faces :)

It took us forever to start up the fire. We had no coal, no wood, no nothing! But we managed to pull through.

Ah, I love BBQ, bacon strips, bacon strips, and bacon strips LOL. I should be a part of Epic Meal Time's crew :) Bacon is delicious with anything and everything.

The event would have been more fun if it weren't raining that day! It was quite windy too.
It was still a fun gathering despite the bummer weather.

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