
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Can history repeat itself?

Are we just engaged in a never-ending cycle, destined to repeat the tragedies of our past? We fail to learn from their mistakes all the time. In the end, we find ourselves caught up in a familiar situation time and time again finding ourselves in a vicious cycle.

Somehow it reminds me of this article Mr. Shum showed us back in gr.12. Zoo animals are trapped in the zoo. Even though they have the ability to escape, they don't because outside their cages, they are not their territories. They are afraid of what the world is like outside. So instead, they rather be hopeless and vulnerable caged inside the zoo.

Similarly, we are stuck in this never-ending cycle. Deep inside, we want to get out of this. But also at the same time, we don't want to because we're so used to it already. Thus, we keep making the same mistakes. We are scared just like the zoo animals..

We do learn from our mistakes. It's just that we forget them and repeat again.

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