
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Need You Now

I'm addicted to this song called
Need you now - Lady Antebellum
I LOVE THIS SONG!! their voices are amazing :)


- bright skirt
- leopard printed something
- bold tanks
- new patent heels
- wedges
- white dress
- bright dresses
- floral something

sponsor anney??? :D

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ultimate Stage

就算你擁有他, 可是你並不在乎

Monday, April 12, 2010


screw all that shittttt.. and just have funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

LG = life is good

Friday, April 9, 2010

Pet Animal

我覺得我像一個Pet Animal
對我愛理不理的感覺 我受夠了
走開 我說不出口

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


For one minute, I believed I learned my lesson and moved on. I keep walking back and forth. Ultimately, I'm still in the same position I was in. I might think things have changed and rationalize to myself that things will be different.. that I don't care anymore.

The story ending will always be the same -- a tragedy, because we always make the same mistakes.

"Growing up is never easy. You hold on to things that were. You wonder what's to come. But that night I think we knew it was time to let go of what had been, and look ahead to what would be. Other days. New days. Days to come.." -- The Wonder Years

Just grow out of it.. then one day you'll look back and laugh at yourself how stupid you were.

The end is a new beginning.


我把Leah Dizon為目標。。動力~~

What really matters..

I live for myself.. and nobody else.

This picture is called The Breakthrough.

-- I really like his art!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Can history repeat itself?

Are we just engaged in a never-ending cycle, destined to repeat the tragedies of our past? We fail to learn from their mistakes all the time. In the end, we find ourselves caught up in a familiar situation time and time again finding ourselves in a vicious cycle.

Somehow it reminds me of this article Mr. Shum showed us back in gr.12. Zoo animals are trapped in the zoo. Even though they have the ability to escape, they don't because outside their cages, they are not their territories. They are afraid of what the world is like outside. So instead, they rather be hopeless and vulnerable caged inside the zoo.

Similarly, we are stuck in this never-ending cycle. Deep inside, we want to get out of this. But also at the same time, we don't want to because we're so used to it already. Thus, we keep making the same mistakes. We are scared just like the zoo animals..

We do learn from our mistakes. It's just that we forget them and repeat again.

Stupid Girls

Just a friend, just a brother.. why do I have to constantly remind myself that? I know there's no chance.. I let it go. Why am I still jealous of other girls? I'm so stupid.. I like to drink dry vinegar..Why isn't my heart convinced? I have to accept it anyways.. because that day will come sooner or later..

Lately been partying a lot because I want to meet new people.. Actually I feel so lonely. I just want to have lots of people around me. It's not about finding a new guy. I just don't want to be alone..

I don't have his attention.. so I want attention of others.. It's just not enough.

I feel like I wasn't being myself last night.. I kinda forgot my limits, but I remembered it again.. I just want to run far far away.. and find comfort in pain~

Maybe it's just better if I'm hiding away.. not knowing anything.. no facebook.. and disconnect from the world.. life would be so much better.. Can I do it?
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