
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

Morning classes

Wow I can't believe I am waking up 7:30am everyday. That is insane..cause during the summer..I was waking up at like 2-3pm. I slept at 11:30pm yesterday, WTF? I am so healthy yo lol.

I have STAT202 8:30am in the morning. When I first saw my nasty sched. I wanted to swap to an afternoon class..but there is only one other section which is also 8:30am in the morning...and it happens t show its by the same professor? What..I'm so confused. Two classes of the same subject, same time, different rooms..what does that mean?

LOL UW is being too cheap. only 1 stats prof for two classes..We had to alternate our prof lecturing times. day we will have the prof is out classroom..and the other class will see a live webcam version of our prof -_-" Anyways I just go to whichever room the prof is present..
UW just hire another prof man!!!!

Went to ECH furniture sale..their stuff is really cheap..but too heavy to carry it back home..Too bad they didn't have a book shelf..that is what I was looking for..They were selling washing machines there = = and desks..fairly new for 1$ including tax..REALLY sturdy binders /better than staples or dollarama ones for 0.25c each..They were also selling computer monitors for 1$ haha so funny.. ==

I am just in the DP library right now ..waiting ..class starts at 12:30pm = =

Im so hungry...only ate a mini crossaint before I left my place sighhh the morning the bus is packed..really gay..
but it only takes me 11 mins to walk to school today..LOL
I think I'm in military training or some shit..WALKING FASTER each day..hoho

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

WHO is HE?

He is ugly.
He is Chinese.
He is not tall.
He is in my lab.
He is someone I talked to for 1 min thru a friend.
He is added by me on msn.
He is not accepting my request..yet
He is prolly scared off!
He is occupied by another girl.
He is occupied by an older girl.
He is cute in a lab coat.
He is still ugly tho.
He is smart.
He is 1987.
He is out of reach and ugly. LOL

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Something about ?LOVE?

I was reading Seventeen the other day, my magazine just came in few days ago =P..and I came across this article: should you /get back/ together? It was like a survery/quiz like thing and see which category you fall into.

Here it is: Imma give a blurb to each category..
1. No! You're just feeling lonely. When you suddenly have spare time that you used to spend with your BF, it is easy to misinterept that empty feeling as regret. It is just lonliness.

2.No! You only miss your social life. When you and your guy were a couple, you had all the same friends and he always came with you to parties--so now you feel incomplete.

3.No! You're still hurt. You hate the thought of your ex moving on so much that you've convinced yourself you want him back--just so you don't have to see him with anyone else. (Lol, reminds me of an entry I wrote)

4. Yes! You had a good thing. If it's hard to remember what exactly caused your split in the first place, it's possible you need a break, not a breakup. (Hmn, I don't know if it applies to those who knew the cause of the breakup?)

I don't know..Maybe I am biased but I think #3 applies to most people.

PS: I also read can get certain STDS from kissing!!!!! and skin-to-skin contacts!!! so scary..=*(

End of Summer

I think I acconplished a lot this summer..Well not a lot, but at least I accompolished what I had in mind. I found a job that is related to the medical field. I also got into a volunteer position at some hospital. It feels great that I didn't waste my summer. I think I stuck to my original plan pretty well. Tho times my mindset wavered. I need to keep in mind what is important to me right now.

Just reading back on my old posts, I seemed so deteremined into what I was doing or trying to do. Um and I got lazy haha. The work was getting repititive and I don't feel challenged.

So my goal for fall is meet some nerds and camp at the library with them. lool!
Yes I can see that my near-future is black and white already. Gawd, I totally needta boost up my GPA or at least don't let it drop. It's only gonna get harder and harder.

Let Fall 2009 BEGIN! :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009




Monday, September 7, 2009

New school year..

So I moved some of the stuff into my new apartment already..Like mattresses, bed frame, desk and whatnot. OMG it is so fudging small. But KX said its like the same size as MKV..I think it looks smaller tho.

Anyways I still got a lot to pack. I posted some textbooks up today..and tried to find some textbooks too. All the textbooks I want are so expensive WTF. Sigh Froshies..please take my textbooks away! Pff..I want serious buyers only = =

I'll be textbooklesss~~~ T___T

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Fvccccccck. I hardly have insomia..I haven't had insomia since I don't know when. WTF? I always sleep so soundly like a dead person = =..
Couldn't sleep last night..I kept flipping around..Blah
and then I had such a horrrible dream when I actually fell asleep..
So I was "working" in this group..with 2 girls and a guy. Unknown faces. One of the girl was pissing me off! We kept picking fights. Whatever = =...
Then I woke up..
Here I am...I think I slept around 4/5am??..
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