
Sunday, April 24, 2011

First date with the girls after finals

We arrived at Eatons around 1:40pm. Walked around some stores. There weren't much buyings since the stores were soooo crowded with people. Somehow, we were out for almost 12 hours! What a fun, yet exhausting day.

Michelle, Sandy, Jessica and I stopped by McDonalds to get food. I wanted to get Italian sausages but was too lazy to get them. Mean time, Karen and Carmen went to the Bay.

After food, we were supposed to go to Forever 21 and then Khiel's. We were scared that the store would close early so we detoured our way to Queen st.

On our way, we stopped by Sephora. I asked for free consultation and samples for my acne-prone skin! Maybe I'll try some of the suggested's still a bit too pricey for me tho :P

I reallly really wanted to get Khiel's eye cream. I think the one I'm using right now isn't right for me. Anyways I got a free sample of Kniel's anti-aging eye cream while lining up for my SPF 15 lip balm with a red hue. I might buy the original eye cream.. it's $35, I thought it would be $50 or something. After using their earth day promotion $10 gift card, I spent $2 on the lip balm! It is pretty moisturizing, but I think it's too oily. I don't like it as much as my current lip balm.

Thanks to Carmen purchasing the one-day pass, we rode TTC N times! I ordered Mania's Darling waffles at Cafe Mania. I wanted to get crepes, but they didn't have crepes with both cinnamon and ice cream!! Qian joined us 20 mins later. We stayed there til 8 before walking aimlessly.

Cafe Mania - Mania's Darling
Cafe Mania on Urbanspoon
Michelle and Sandy went home first. The rest of us ended up at Jack Astor's after circling around Eatons a few times. We ordered Riccard's White and some French beer. They were both really smooth and easy to drink with. Perfect for girls! Here are some behind the scene photos that I didn't upload on facebook. HEHE

@Jack Astor group pic fail

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