
Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I haven't blogged for the longest time because I don't want to see my old posts. I only started this blog because of him..Sigh. Whatever I care less for him now. I am doing awesome! Just kind of broke right now. I think I should stay home for a while. I think I know where I stand. I just want to be friends with him, nothing more. I want to be a better person, learn from my wrongs. I have a lot of tasks to do this summer actually. I should get going! I mean there is volunteering and work. Also school applications and pcat. Ugh..I relaly don't know what to type at the moment. I started off wanting to blog...right now I feel tired.. Shit I still need to clean my room. FML its like a barn LOL I hope my next blog will be something happy and awesome =)

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