
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Love is like Poker.

Love is like Poker. Sometimes you have to know when to fold; no sense in bleeding chips into a losing hand.

Song: Feels like Home - Chantal Kreviazuk
If you knew how lonely my life has been
And how long I've been so alone
And if you knew how I wanted someone to come along"

My life is ever so very messed up. I know you think I am head over heels in love with you, but it's just a crush. A crush that is crushing me. My wish is not to mean everything to everyone, but to mean something to someone. I wanna be the one you look at and say to your friends...thats her. But I'm going to smile like nothing's wrong, talk like everythng's perfect, act like it's a dream, and pretend it's not hurting me. Goodbyes' make you think. They make you realize what you've had and what you've lost. Why is it that I tell you just about everything I feel, but not everything, yet you still know that isn't everything that's bothering me? You're driving me nuts.

"Loneliness occurs when one builds a wall instead of a bridge"
And this feeling sucks.

What I learnt before, but forgotten:
"Never allow someone be your priority while allowing yourself being their option"

~Love stuck me hard on the face, and knocked me down~
You came into my life so unexpectedly,
and now you're walking out of it so suddenly..


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Shit happens

"It is not even a week, and he's got you where he wants you to be" --Xavier

You're so right. Screw it. I'll bury myself into piles of stats paper @@..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

way to go

chicks over dicks

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Anney doesn't want to play anymore.
Getting boring.
Getting tangents.
Getting nasty.

Don't be too serious.
Don't get too close to me.

I am just out for fun.
Stupid guys.

When is Mr. Right going to come?

You can say that I like many people at the same time..
or like nobody at all.


Jess: You are not guilty until you are proven guilty.
I have nothing to be guilty of. =)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Overdrinking isn't fun

On November 7th, 2009. I was at Alice Li's birthday party. I arrived at her place around 9:30pm..the party started and everyone was drinking already. First 15 mins, I think I only drank 3 bottles of corona and few jello shots of pure vodka..Next thing I knew I was drinking pure vodka shots with everyone coming in. (Heard from people that I finished the rest of the vodka bottle) After I saw Jenny, Yanwei, Seth and Phil coming in..I don't remember what happened. People said I was dancing on the table.. and then somehow some guy grabbed me into the washroom? I started puking.

According to others, I was camping in there for an hour. A lot of people came in and helped me to see if i was okay..and acutally I didn't know who were inside. Then I heard someone saying "Yo she puked something red. Let's get her to the hospital." (I think it's blood)
I didn't know how I got to the hospital..(In the end I know I was in ER)
Apparently, we waited for 4 hrs..but it felt like 30 mins. I think I literally passed out for the first few hours..and then I started puking again. The stuff I was puking out was really acidic. I think I damaged my esophagus (food track) that's why I was bleeding.

I didn't have any I.D. on me. Valerie (my classmate who was there with me) called people on my list and good thing they got into contact with Karen. At first they called Sandy and she told them to call Karen. Karen gave them my health card number and whatever..
In ER, I was shaking and shivering like mad. I had trouble breathing. I felt really cold. My limbs felt numb. Anyways I wanted to go home and sleep. But everytime I opened my eyes, I wanted to puke. Did I mention I was in the wheelchair?

I think I only saw the doctor for few seconds. Cause I wanted to leave so they had to check if I was well enough to go home. The doctor recommended me to stay, but fuckit they can't even give me a time when they'll see me. Valerie helped me sign the consent form to discharge myself from the hospital and take full responsibility. (aka if I die, it is not the hospital's problem)

The guy got me back to his car..I think on the way to the parking pants were falling off =_=! He had a loose grip of me. Anyways finally they managed to find my place and I can finally sleep. Karen was still awake to take care of me.

I'm so glad I met nice people to take care of me. I thought I was going to die that night =**(
Next morning I had a hangover headache and spat out some blood.
Feeling much better now..Just drinking lots of water.
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