
Monday, April 9, 2012

Allowing me being me...

I'm really grateful to find someone that accepts everything about me... whether it’d be the good, bad, or ugly. I think it's really important to have someone to be there when you're most vulnerable - the time when your true self shows. Like I have nothing to hide.

I can trust him completely. Even the times when I’m annoyed, pissed or sad, I can express myself freely and knowing he will be there to comfort me or to give me advise or simply listen to me rant.

I’m not saying I’m fake around others where I have to put up another front. It’s just I don’t show everything about myself. They know only the faces that I show them.

Sometimes, I feel like I shouldn’t give off a negative vibe because it will affect everyone’s mood – don’t want to be a party pooper! When I'm with him, I can do anything without thinking. We could be inside the same room and doing our own things, without talking. I think we're telepathic and know what each other is thinking, hahah.

And because of this, I get this sense of security from him.

I need not him to be super smart, super rich, or super handsome compared to everyone else. Because in my eyes, he is already so perfect. Even the times when he annoys me, but now I think about it.. it's kinda funnies! I love how we joke around and laugh at each other like 3 years olds.

What makes him different from everyone else is that deep down somewhere, I know that he's thinking of me every second. I love how he's so in love with me and how I'm in love with him. Just thinking about him makes me smile.

He remembers the things I say and what I like. He tries to make me happy even though he's a lazy butt! He's the most considerate guy I know. He always put everyone else before himself... though I'm jealous of those people sometimes!

Thank you boo! Happy monthiversary J

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